Rock Thread (Original)

It was like 10 ten second songs.

Where any of these ten songs good? (rock)

THIS POST CONTAINS TWO BRAND-NEW SONGS(<ā€“For those who didnā€™t read the subject line)(<ā€“for those who canā€™t read this it says ā€œFor those who didnā€™t read the subject lineā€)

But first, a word from our sponsors:

And without further ado THE FIRST SONG! (hehe, I bet you thought that was the first song! hehe)

Seriously though, here they are!

When I got to the solo in Gateway to Paradise, or rather, the heavier solo, I thought ā€œhmmm, the Fender Strat is overused. Lets give it a break!ā€
And then I totally overrode that theory in Waverider. Hope you guys like! Critque and Rate Please!
P.S. I canā€™t believe I squeezed 1 minute out of the first two sheets in Waverider. Also I meant this post as a joking one and if anyone takes offense, thatā€™s not what Iā€™m try to do.
EDIT: For those who want to know why the speed suddenly changes in Gateway to Paradise but still sounds equally fast, I used a technique for triplets that actually works and is real, instead of 24 20 20. First of, make sure you can divide the tempo by 4. Now, divide the tempo by 4 and multply the ending product by 3. As shown in Gateway to Paradise, 280/4*3=210. What this does is changes the time so that every 3 measures are as long as 4 in the rest of the song. Voiola! Simply place eany regular note, be it a 16th or whole, and bada-bing-bada-boom, you got triplets. I donā€™t claim this, as It has probably been covered elsewhere already.

Seeā€¦ what I like about both those songs is that you donā€™t hold your creativity back. You use as many instruments as you please, this sometimes is not a good thing (some of barkidds songs is a good example)

Lol, meanie. (rock)

Was mine okay? In Gateway to Paradise I used just Bass #4 and the Acoustic Guitar for most of the song, plus drums and vocals. Besides the triplet solo (in which I only used two instruments as well: Metal Guitar and Electric Guitar #1), I didnā€™t really use that many instruments soā€¦yeah. Iā€™ll change sheet 24 to something else later, I just wanted to get this song out there. As for Waverider, there I see your point. I was trying to create a sort of Ambient/Rock theme there, hope I did a good job. And Fireball? Chill out. As ironic as it is for me to say that to someone with a nickname like yours, a two word post, especially a negative one, helps no one. Barrkidā€™s songs have been called strange by about everyone who hears them, thatā€™s just his style. Strange or not, they are still respectable songs, just like anyone elseā€™s, and are therefore subject to critque by anyone who wants to spend their time doing it.

Speaking as a representative of the community of chameleons who canā€™t change colour I would like to retract the statement made by one of our members as it was spoken as an opinion and does not represent the sentiments expressed by the party etc. etc.

Jokes aside, I think Iā€™m just going to point out one thing instead of criticising the song - youā€™re practically the anti-average-notessimo-member. Whereas a lot of people round here seem to have problems with repeating too much, these two songs have pretty much no direction at all. Maybe I just wasnā€™t paying enough attention, but I really couldnā€™t make out any verses, choruses, intros, etc. Just seemed to be one large amalgamated mess. You have to repeat things to some extent - maybe not to the extremes other members do, but at least make sure thereā€™s some structure there. Yā€™know whaā€™m sayinā€™?

Apart from that, pretty good, pretty good.

No, I wasnā€™t being negative, it was a joke 0_0.

I got it Fireball, no harm done. Itā€™s just that in my experience with two word posts, they usually spark a huge argument, and I thought your post was an insult, as it didnā€™t really cover too much. Ah well.

To DC: Thanks! Thatā€™s almost exactly what I like to hear about my style, even though it wasnā€™t technically a complement. My thinking in this game (and life really) is that I hear something is bad and I strive not to do that one thing. So I doubt Iā€™ll be too repitious, but a good structure, along with decent bridges and creative solos, are harder for me to do. Iā€™ll point out this though: In Gateway to Paradise, sheets 9 and 10 are the chorus. The intro is ovbiously the first section at a lower pace, and then the music picks up before the first chorus (sheets 3-7). Sheets 11 and 12 are a very short verse. Then back to the chorus again before a repeat of the solo in sheet 2 with slight variations (sheet 13). Sheet 14 is the merger between the solo and regular song, and then the solo covers all of sheets 15-33. 34 is a bridge to the ending chorus, and then 35 is the ending. Thanks for the critique!

Parts that I believe need to be improved: The only verse needs to be longer, sheet 34 needs to be, er, better, and the bridge/solo spanning sheets 23-26 needs to have a better, more creative bridge (sheet 28) (lol bridge to a bridge). Tell me what other parts need to be improved, as I donā€™t know what you guys want me to do unles you tell me. Thanks!

As for Waverider, yeah. Itā€™s a 3 minute 30 second solo, with no real structure (are solos supposed to have structure?) There arenā€™t even drums for most of the song, and even then the drums are underpowered so as to not subtract from the overall song.

Parts I need to improve: Actually, I donā€™t know. Iā€™ll get a to-do list for this song when I hear that one part is awful, or another part doesnā€™t fit in.

(rock) a cool, short, intro tune to the song im working on called ā€œthe stormā€.


This is the first song Iā€™ve made in a while, please comment :Ā­D

I made a (really short) rock song, too! Itā€™s not finished, and what is finished is kinda bad (since I spent like, 15 minutes on this). itā€™s actually kinda catchy!

Are you SUUUUREEE you made this all by yourself?

Oooh that sounds familiar. Look at the bright side. The two of us listened to your song, rather than pushing it aside like a used napkin.

Here is a little something i made while I was bored
Itā€™s VERY repetitiveā€¦but it stilll changes enough to keep you interestedā€¦maybe

Godā€¦Iā€™m posting songs like crazyā€¦my last few new songs pwned this and all my previous songs out of the waterā€¦so if you really want to know how im doing check out my latest songs i posted

If there were a few more back up instruments (BASS) it would have been perfect

Wow really then ill be sure to do thatā€¦well NOW

AND NOW WITH 5000% more bass (if you were going by real math though that would still be 0 )

Not finished yet unfortunatelyā€¦

Lovinā€™ it so far. Great job.