Rock Thread (Original)

Took me about a year to really start getting the hang of notessimo. I actually don’t create my own music that much, but make it off of other stuff I hear. So I’m not as talented as most of you guys are, but It’s really great getting compliments from a guy at the top. So criticism or anything you would fix so far?



Umm…don’t make the guitar notes be high…metal guitar was made for low notes…but crap…that is better than i can do in rock…I may have my own songs but most of the ideas come from other songs on this site LOL

I know that they are like really high, but it makes it sounds a lot like the original and there’s like no other instrument that gets the job done for me

A lot like the original? What is it a cover? that was a great song, certainly needs to be finished. @Kamarai, that was the best high metal guitar I’ve ever heard, don’t discourage greatness!

it’s from dragonball z budokai. At the moment I’m on a huge project. The halloween town theme from Kingdom Hearts with full orchestra. Usually orchestra and notessimo doesn’t work for me but this is actually going really well but i just spent like an hour putting all the instruments into a few measures so it’ll be a while and for Planet Namek, it’s just got the rest of it’s solo to finish out. I want to do another song from the same game i just remember how awesome it was though.

And if no one saw this in the other thread, i think this song of mine belongs here more

WOW ITS A COVER…so it makes sense why you did high notes…and yes i agree Star…that was some of the best high metal guitar if not the best usage ive seen…but its hard to make it sound really good so that is why people stick to the low notes of course

And without further adue my newest song…brought to you by my very own sleeping disorder (man don’t we all have one …i suffer pretty much from a slight insomnia…my parents are the exact opposite though…pretty funny)

DEFINATLY MY BEST ROCK SONG! Maybe my best song yet…but I don’t know you decide, I CAN’T

I know the tempo is to fast for 18…but so what it, does sound kinda cool

This is the first time I heard a song from you that actually sounded complete

Really…it still isnt truly complete to me…
Thanks though, so that means I don’t need to add anything yay

But knowing me ill add more later… you’ll probably see another edit to this post, or a later post, with a newer longer version

Yeah, that was pretty good.
Also I’m an insomniac. For me, it can be mild to an all-nighter of insomnia.

I get pretty close to an all nighter for me now…I come home after cross country practice, get on the comp, come here till like 12 or till 1 and then go to bed and read a book till im tired (usually around 1 or 2 i give up though and just lay down for 1/2 and hour trying to sleep) and then wake up at 6:30…and more rested and chipper than the people who get like a full 8 hours of sleep…that kind of thing should come in handy for work

And as I said like 1/2 hour ago I have a better version…18 and 19 are slowed down and have become solos…well 19 is now basically 18 with another instrument coming back in
Ive also added about 30 seconds yay
Dragon’s Wrath
As you can tell my strength is the softer guitars LOL…metal guitar…I can’t get it to sound right, well enough to where i like it

ALSO here is the sister song of this
I think thier about equal now after listening to it like 10 times …but don’t listen to me…1/2 time my oppinion is the opposite of what people say
I revised sheet 10 and 11
Serpent’s Anger

Man im pumping out pretty good songs every day
I don’t know though…If that is a bad thing or a good thing

More often than not, that’s a bad thing. You got all the time in the world, man. No need to rush. It’s good that your inspiration is on a consistently high level, though.

Onward with your “Serpent’s Anger.”

Had mixed reactions with this one. Let’s start:

The intro had no direction to it. Nothing was happening. Just a simple strat melody and that was it. Keep it mind, intros don’t have to be dreadfully simple. I liked the drums, though. And the electric guitar was good. Next time, don’t restrict the intro to only one instrument before adding more.

At this point, your piece is starting to sound good. But then, the metal guitar comes in. It sounds really robotic, mainly because it’s restricted to only quarter notes at first, and then eighth notes. That kinda takes a bit of energy away from the piece. The lower metal guitar notes (the sixteenth note ones) aren’t adding a lot either. They’re really chopping and grinding things up.

Sheet 8 sounds pretty awesome. Possibly the best part of your piece. The sheet after that sounds good too, but it was cut down by the lower metal guitars.

Didn’t like how you used sheet 7 as the chorus, so repeating 4 times made me sad. Sheets 10 and 11 are good, though. However, that this point, the strat damant thirty-second note combination is getting a bit old. Also, that transition from sheet 7 to 0 is really clumsy. And bringing sheet 0 back to 7 is like slapping me in the face twice.

Overall, it was okay. Good effort 7/10

Wow its been awhile since ive gotten criticism like that…usually all i get is like one liners now …
Usually that ends up being something along the lines of

instead of

thank you

Sadly i can’t go to anyone that will give me critism before i post my song…i could do a one note song and my friends that are musical people still will say

It makes me very sad
Actually truly i have my dad…but i don’t get to have him listen all that much

Also about the metal guitar…ya this is why most of my songs now a days don’t include metal guitar LOL

To Kamarai:

Wow, Two songs in such a short time! To a guy like me, I have no idea how people can make a fully-fledged song in such a short time, nor will I ever try. On to the critism:

The reason me and Anthony are giving you a full paragraph review insted of the normal “that was good” one-liner, is because it seems like there was a lot of effort put into these. Or at least that’s why I am. Sorry, now on to the critism.

Dragon’s Wrath: I would’ve told you to add on to the original, but you beat me there. On the completed version: I thought it was repetitive. I liked the opening riff (sheets 2-3), but that was over-shadowed instantly by the metal guitar. Remember Roastmaster’s earlier post in this thread: the metal guitar is the alpha guitar. If you don’t think an instrument is your stength, don’t use it. Sheets 10-12 are the chorus in my eyes, unless I’m mistaken, and I thought it could use a little spice. The problem is that you seem to use one type of note (such as a half note in this case), and never switch it. And the last part I didn’t like, sheet 18 was random, would’ve been better with a non-metal guitar background, and 19 didn’t really redeem that.

Serpents Anger: I don’t really see how these two songs are sisters other than the instruments used are the same. Serpents Anger was aptly covered by Anthony, so I’ll just say a few different things that he didn’t mention instead of simply copying him. I think you lied to us when you said your strength is in the softer guitars. It is ovbiosly in the Drums! I think that both songs had exceptional drumming, and the soft guitars would’ve been nicer with an actual bass guitar instead of a metal guitar. In sheet 8, we see the same problem as sheet 18 in Dragon’s Wrath, except this one had a decent drum background and wasn’t as random. I liked the low metal guitar here, but it was again messed up by the fact that it was confined to one note duration.

Both songs: Of the two, ovbiously Dragon’s Wrath is better, but they each have pros and cons. I will say this though, they share many of the same problems, which gives them a chance at being sister songs. 8.75/10 for DW, and 6.5/10 for SA

I pump in alot of hours a day (8 hours usually per day on average, thats from around 3pm-12am or 5pm-12am [i mean morning by that] YAY INSOMNIA and a bit of )


I am Kamarai. And I approve of this message

My upcoming song fixed this…

The song i worked on last night, i worked on my problem of this…ya im lazy

Thank you both of you this is at the moment making me better

Here’s my newest song: Lay of the Soldier. Hope you guys like!

Great Work

IMO-Sheets at the beginning struck me as too loud…later they sounded fine loud though
Epic Strat work
Great ending piano solo
Didn’t like the vox at all though
Great Synth work

My rating 9.5/10

So this is were you have been this whole time, I thought you disappeared, but instead you were actually putting together a top-tier epic ballad. The reason I say ballad is because… well… there is no other genre that can define your song better then “ballad” or “power metal”, the thing is, power metal ballads are my biggest weak point, whenever I hear a well developed power metal balladish song such as the on you’ve created I always find me shitting myself 27 times in amazement.

We got:

10/10 A+ set of drumwork
A perfect mix of 4 unlikely instruments. Metal Guitar, pop bass, Synth, and Piano.
A distinguished lead. (Ex: I can tell when the Strat is supposed to be leading, when the piano is supposed to be leading, ect.)
Enjoyably repetitive. (I know repetitive it’s repetitive but I still find myself really enjoying the song)
Effective yet simple bassline.

Great work. Here’s a bit of feedback.

Quit using the arpeggios. It’s okay to use them once in a while but you practically rely on them. If you really want to up your game, try doing something less textbook. Add a bit of originality to your melodies.

The song was also pretty repetitive. That isn’t exactly a bad thing. I can withstand progressive trance and that’s some of the most repetitive stuff ever created. So your piece was nothing when came to repetitiveness. Still, you should change things up more often.

Sheet 10. It was awesome. I really have nothing to complain about there.

Everything from sheet 12 to 19 sounded pretty good. There are a few issues with it, though. First of all, the way the fender came in killed the piano and flattened the entire sheet. And on sheet 14, the fender sounded like a pirate melody. It didn’t have a negative impact on the piece, but was kinda weird.

The ending was good. I liked sheets 21 and 22.

As for the bassline and percussion, you did a great job on 'em. Especially the percussion. On sheet 10, they were the main reason why that entire section was great.


@Roast: I’ve actually got a few more songs coming up, that’s why I’ve been gone.

@Anthony: I had sorta planned this as a sequel to Saga of the Dragon, hence it’s name, and I wanted to keep the same elements in the solo.

Thanks again guys! This is my first post from my Wii so…meh.