DOUBLE POST! I was just checking that my Wii post actually worked, and it did! YAY!
More to say:
@Roast: Ballad, Saga, Lay, there all the same to me so I’ll take that as a compliement,
@Anthony: Don’t know where the pirate thing came from, sounds fine to me. Also, sheet 10 is the biggest arpeggio section in the whole piece, and was really just the opener for the rest of the solo.
@Kamarai: yeah, I suppose that the vox wasn’t totally nessicary, nor did it really add to anything, but oh well. I just thought I should keep it since I had it in the intro.
Were you trying to point out how I contradicted myself? Yeah, I am aware of it. Sheet 10 DID have a lot of arpeggios. I guess the speed kept it interesting. Still, you shouldn’t use them so much.
Yes, certainly the best metal guitar I’ve heard from you, mainly because there weren’t any softer guitars to mess that up. Good job on that front. As i was getting to the double-digit sheets I was starting to feel the repetitiveness in the song, glad that you changed it up in sheets 12-16. And even though you came back to the same riff afterwards, it was short enough that it wasn’t too bad. So to re-cap, I listened to the beginning of the song, and just as I was getting bored a nice change happened. Then after the song went back to the original riff, it ended before I thought it was too repetitive.
Bad things: i wish there was a solo. I personally believe that most songs need one, with the exception of songs that are full solos (Eruption), and more ambient pieces (such as Anthony’s The Ocean). Also, the drumming was good but didn’t change enough to add to the song.
Well it was kinda supposed to be 2 solos…each of the guitars…but they werent loud so i don’t think you could call them solos…and they still had the other guitar there so…ya
ya the drums didnt change…like almost NONE
LOL bass…ya i rarely use it…i usually can barely hear it in a song so i don’t use it unless i need too…
ya i say ya alot…ya
Sorry I responded so late, but here is waht I think of the masterpiece.
It was great. I loved pretty much the whole thing. The synth was one of my favorite parts. The guitar solo was top notch, along with the piano solo. The percussion was fabulous. The bass was simple, yet great. I didn’t mind the repetitive nature of this song, because it was great, and that’s why you made it repetitve. I don’t mind the arpeggios, because I use them whenever I can too. Normally, I don’t like the metal guitar the way you used it (thanks to Unknowned, but it is tolerable sometimes in his songs), it was a good use for it.
I have to admit that I thought that I would hear this a lot from people seeing as how I didn’t even think the metal guitar helped, but yeah. Thanks for the great rating and lol on the [notessimo]Epic Song[/notessimo]. I think that for my next songs I’ll use a lot of long chords accompanied by a melody that is neither attached to a chord nor tethered to the same note duration. I’m just happy that you guys enjoyed the song. Thanks again!
Reasons: You really need to learn how to make a drum beat. It’s not over-complicated like that one, and drums are really only there to keep the beat. if they’re not doing that, then it just sounds like chaos. You can make drums epic, but don’t have them doing their own solo the whole time.
Okay, it’s been repeated over and over, it’s okay to mix acoustic and metal. But that doesn’t really translate into the strat or the damant guitars. I’ve yet to hear someone who can mix these two successfully, so I must say not to do it at all.
Third, and this really applies to 90% of the songs ever posted, even the good ones, it was repetitive. Usually repetition isn’t a massive concern, it’s okay to use small amounts of it to add time to your song, but if your whole song is one riff, it gets boring quicky,even though your song was only a minute long!
And Fourth, as stated above the song was too short. In my opinion, it’s not a real song until it breeches the 2 minute mark.
I have given critism as I see it and i in no way am trying to offend you 1amayzingman, I just have to be honest with you. if i told you it was a great song, you might just decide to make more 1 minute shorts like these, and no one will respect you. just be happy that you got a full critism, because people rarely take the time to do it anymore.
(Note: i probably would’ve liked the solo if it wasn’t for the bottom metal guitar, which is to say sheets 7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 16)
thanks roastmasters! I really appriciate that because your one of my favorites on this site.
and octiviator(sorry for my spelling) im sorry i didnt add cowbell. it didnt really fit the song.