Rock Thread (Original)

You know what? I have thankfully embraced your song into a whole new cowbell era of AWESOMENESS.

rock on cowbell. u proved me wrong

Listen reply plzzz

Was going good until the guitars kicked in, I swear, the fender should be off limits to the inexperienced.

While Iā€™m here, and we got a fresh page, I might as well post a new song in T-minus: NOW.

<3 damant
Caution: Roastmasters shall not be held liable for any sub-woofers damaged due to the badass bass lines in this here song.
Youā€™re probably thinking how on earth this song took 4 wholes months to make, truth is, it didnā€™t. I started this song a little over 3 days ago and has been my life ever since. DEDICATION > WRITERā€™S BLOCK


One word,15 syllables, Roasty.


This is my masterpiece. If you donā€™t like itā€¦ then Im screwed \

Its called Resistance. Its about people trying to get freedom from their oppression.
sheet 0, 1, 2 , 3 , and 5 are the build up of tension. sheet 10 is the big war scene. sheet 11 is a calmer form of sheet 3 and 5. sheet 3 is the last shootings.
sheet 1 is the dazed moment after the battle. sheet 12 is the mourning. Lastly, sheet 13 is the happy part because they have triumphed and are not oppressed anymore.

Hope you like it.

It was pretty good, definitely better than all your other songs.

what other songs

Pretty amazing song guitarskills, although I was hoping for a metal riff to just come out of nowhere it was still pretty good. 5/5

I decided to make a more textbook rock song with vocals. So it may be a little repatative.

That is rock? It was a great song but needed something more interesting ie. it was a little bit boring.

who are you replying to muselline?

and good job sandalman.

Oh to Sandalman. Your song was pretty awesome too.

Rock as in, vocals are the main point. The order goes intro, (verse), chorus, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, outro.

And usually all that changes between the verse are the words which I cannot change.

Ooh I get it!
Enjoy the bass tune I made up. Itā€™s not that good but I like it.

well its been a while but I made a new song. Its not my best, but its still good. An ambient/rock type sound, with my new songā€¦World Voyage.

Not bad, although in the beginning it seemed like you wanted to take the song in a whole different direction.

I know what you mean. It just ended up that way.

I wrote this song a while ago during the bug :roll: , but here it is. Iā€™m not sure if it should be in rock or metal. Considering rock is more popular, and itā€™s not really fast enough to be metal, Iā€™m going to put it under rock.