Rock Thread (Original)

wow dude that was pretty sweet! :roll: The only critisism I could possibly make is that the strings didnt seem to fit in my opinion, but the trumpet and piano were awesome. Oh and since I play the trumpet and you used one you deserve one mr. green :D Overall: 4.7/5 P.S. I could hear that being used in the credits for an RPG game, I suggest using it in the RPG thread as well.


Well thanks guys, but apparently 3 other people didnā€™t share your same enthusiasm, which is fine, because itā€™s subjective. Rock on, fellow Notessimoā€™ers. Do what you want to do!

That was pretty goodā€¦id say it was rockā€¦the drum beat was way too slow to be metal

Teh loud music hurtez my earz. :roll:

Sheet 12 O_O

The other bits really couldnā€™t compare, yet it was out of place. I still voted 5 stars and all, but still.

how was sheet 12 out ofplace? But sheet 12 should have repeated though

It was out of place because the whole song had no real orchestral instruments until that sheet, which was great, and then it continued on without any. Oh well, it was a decent song. Which isnā€™t something I can seem to make nowadays.

It was supposed to be a climactic sheet. I think it served that purpose quite well. And I did have that one sheet with the strings taking the melody. :roll:

Turn it down? lolz.

Not bothered to.

Well then quit complaining! :roll:

Fine I will say it positively.
Yay! The loudness of the music has temporarily damaged the hair cells in my ears and regular exposure to this 100dB pleasure will cause my ear hairs to scream with delight!
Ok fine Iā€™ll turn down the sound.

Really? Seemed more like it was your chorus, what with where it appears and how many times you use it after that.

It was also a chorus. The reason it had the orchestral parts to it too was because it was supposed to be a climactic sheet as well. What song has their climax(es) outside of the chorus?

Soothsayer and Nottingham Lace

Both of which donā€™t even have a chorus in the first place.

Soothsayer does! the opening soft notes is the verse, the power chords is the chorus, that plays twice, then there is one of the longest solos ever.

this song took me a good 4 hrs or so. First song in a while and I have a quick question, is it okay if I start my own thread? I have 10-11 songs(I still need to confirm that), and I want to make my songs easily accesible.

Roastmasters you got rid of the ninja?