Rock Thread (Original)

If only I had any clue what you were talking about…

Your previous avvy.

Maybe it still is the ninja but it’s just taking forever to load.

Yeah, hyper fast metal.

It must have taken you a long time to design all one of your sheets.

You know, I was thinking about making a 999 techno song to try it out for myself, but now i don’t think i will.


I don’t get it. :twisted:

Insult on the fact Jhoan spent maybe 2 seconds on the song.

Well that’s hardly “ouch” at all. I say that to him anyway.


I don’t know where I should put this, so I’m just gonna leave it here and back away slowly…

I’m backing away… everyone… just be cool… I’m just gonna back aWATCH OUT HE’S GOT A GU-

That sounded fucking awesome. It was like sex compressed into audio format. Sheet 1 looked like a pain in the ass to make though. 5/5

Now for the insightful criticism.

You see in shee- HOLY SHIT HE’S GOT A get’s shot

Ah finally. Ever since I joined I’ve only had one chance to actually see one of either yours or Hypo’s song’s (or collabs) when they were posted (To Eloquently…(you get the rest)), and personally I don’t count that because I was still a noob who had gotten himself lucky with the solo of Saga of the Dragon. This gives me a better insight on it.

Now, I liked the song, but the intro? I also didn’t like the ending but let’s be honest, NO ONE CAN DO EITHER OF THESE THINGS RIGHT. You either get lucky or the intro or outro is the only good part about the song, which is bad, bad, BAD. About the intro, personally I probably will never use the muted guitar because it’s not really good at anything. I noticed that you used a decent echo effect to try and make it interesting (I should know because I use that exact effect sometimes), but the drums overpowered it. I can only speak for myself, I was glad when the intro was over.

As the song progressed i was sub-consciously thinking about you advice to me on making songs, and again and forever, repetitiveness is bad. In the first stages of the song, I was let down by how often sheet 1, which is a deviation from the normal song, was used. After the first time, it became expected, and that is something you and Hypo have NEVER been, which is what makes your songs so renowned. Such as the end of sheet five. EPIC BASS WIN. But before sheet 8, i was just thinking it was decent enough, but not epic or even fun to listen to yet.

Once the strings came in, I was like “oh no it’s going to be another progressive rock piece, yadda, yadda, yadda,” but then I heard that glock and my mind was blown. I was suddenly attentive, and it just kept getting better from there. The clean guitar was a nice add-on and the nice plus glockenspiel duet was pretty insane, and i definitely was impressed by the whole allusion that there were two different string #2 players made by the panning. But the thing that really won me over was the strat. It seems that this guitar is the easy-mode guitar, anyone can make a riff with it and it will be epic, and when that is combined with a player that has that kind of skill, the end results are just astonishing. Sheet 12 was by far my favorite, it shows how just a bit of panning and volume control, when added to some decent riffs and background instrument, can make a true sound that just melts your ears away.

After that, the song fell apart. The 13-0-14-1 combo seemed to be put in simply to take up space (the only one that was different was 14, which had a very loud, annoying screech at the end. The song could have easily progressed fine if they had been taken out, and the next sheet (15) had terrible and unnecessary use of panning. The solo (i assume that’s what sheet 17 was for) was too short, and the two guitars had a repeat ending. After that, I thought 18 was hastily put together, it was rather simple. I’ve already critqued the rest of the song, because it was repeated as the ending chorus (which is fine) I’m just glad you had the sense to make sheet 12 the last sheet before the final chords, it really was the best thing about the whole song. And the ending has already been spoken for.

So there you go. The result of all this, you ask? I voted 4. Which seems to be what I always tell people whenever I critique there songs, so now it’s a curse. You may want me to critique it, but it will cost you a 4 in your rating.

P.S. You guys got shot? OMG IS THAT A NU-

if you listen to the song with speakers instead of headphones, sheet 15 sounds good, though it is understandable if it sounds unneccesary in headphones


My latest creation. Not meant to be one of those epic compositions, this is the kind of music that goes with words in a song. In fact, I wrote this on guitar before I notessimo-ed it. Anyway, hows it sound?

I’m not good at criticizing, so I’ll stick with “that sounded pretty cool, I liked it. I give you 4/5. (Bass could be a little louder, I could hardly hear it… could be just my speakers though.”

Hey it was quite alright. Maybe if you had used different guitars for each part rather than just the Metal, it would have worked better, but I really loved the solo a lot. 4/5, and work on the repetitiveness.

Ah great song. You’d be a good songwriter.

I gave it a 5 to mess up your 4.00 great song

Gs what a shockingly cruel hing to do.