I seriously doubt anybody actually cared about that list…
Well, to my knowledge it is the only currently existing one that everyone knows about, and it was used in a song and it makes sense, so it was good. I would just smile and say “thanks” at this point.
Thats pretty good there ixsetf!
Well, here is my newest song, I came up with a name and it goes off the creepier intro and outro, and i thought the guitar part that is mainly used is more rockish so i put it here.
Wow that was just amazing, absolutely astounding. The synths (both normal and vox) were spectacularly incredible and the pianos were just stunning. You used the tubular bells (was that what they were?) wonderfully and the whole creepy effect was just phenomenal, especially the wondrous chords. A truly exceptional song Oct, a remarkable composition that without doubt deserves my 4.5/5.
IKR? It feels like a rock song but doesn’t have any of those rock elements, except maybe the drums. Personally I think it was a excellent listen and I guess I can take back what I said earlier about the arpeggio. It was alright.
I love it Oct, and i think it should be rated higher than a 4.5, IMO it was about a 4.7 or 4.8, i think it was expertly made, and every part of it sounded great!