Scatman John

I heard a lot about Scatman John throughout my many travels through Robloxia (The online game ROBLOX) but I had never actually heard any songs of his. So about a week ago, I decided to venture across the wide span of the internet to a website called Here is what I found there:
I’m The Scatman
Scatman’s World
Everybody Jam!
I’m Free
Those are my four favorites. His music is like a perfect mix between techno, jazz, and hip hop!
:o 8-) :o

hey wanna b friends in ROBLOX? im the same there as here

Sure. I haven’t been on in ages though. I just tried to log in and it took three tries to get my password right! I’ll send you a request.

I know this is off-topic, but you guys actually can stand playing ROBLOX? I hate it. My brother has an account and he is on whenever he can be. My mom even let him have a 6 month subscription.

Back on topic…

I would listen to Scatman John, but Jan says the links are links to YouTube, and as you all know I AM NOT ALLOWeD ON YOUTUBE. I’m sad 8-)

I’ll make mp3’s and upload them somewhere for you.

I’'ve got a solution! I put the videos on my website. Click here to see them.
They technically aren’t on YouTube now. Even if they are YT vids.

Hey JMan, you need to find another copy of “I’m the Scatman” to put on your page. It’s had embedding disabled, so it won’t play on your site.

Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix that.

I’ll go check it out

EDIT: I just heard Scatman’s World and I’m the Scatman. They were epic. I heard I’m the Scatman on my friends freeweb. He embedded that same video, but it wouldn’t work, so I clicked the picture of the little stick figure on the bottom, and it turns out it is an I’m the Scatman video.

I’m looking for a Scatman John CD for my collection. Does anyone know where I could locate such a thing? Thanks in advance.

Amazon is a great place to find pretty much anything, as long as you’re not one of those people who hates buying stuff online.

I can be your freind in ROBLOX same name as here.

I have a scatman John CD… but its the same song remixed 5 times

i bought a club mix album with a scatman john song performed by some weird jamaican guy

i had never been so disappointed

I love his song “I’m a scatman” sooooooo much :twisted: . And speaking of roblox, give me a pm or friend request. :twisted: :oops: :twisted:

I’m going to try to do “I’m a Scatman” on Notessimo. Since I have no notes or scales for the song, it will take a while figuring out the notes. This is what I have so far on I’m a Scatman. It sounds amazing. Doesn’t it?