Silly Things You've Done On These Forums...

Have the last post in all 9 subforums

Well you kinda spammed a little. LOL!

I had a quintuple post recently, remember?

DD12 had like a quintuple post over the span of like a month in the Megaman Songs thread…then I broke it…and got obliterated by the goderator beam.

I don’t edit other people’s posts. Please refer to the unofficial rules if you have any questions.


Rule 30


Haha, you’re so clever, I wish I was you.

but now there’s 1 REALLY AWESOME #30 rules! And a lame one…

Oh no, my post got edited! Why would I do something as silly as that :roll:

Hey, where did my post go? :

Not again! and I like chocolate…

thinks of something casual to say


Why I like biscuits. Custard Creams are the best.

Now that’s Qvx (atleast before this post).

politely claps