Starcraft II


Who else is as excited as I am? I’m buying it the second I see it. Even though they decided you have to buy the campaigns separately… I’ll still get them all. Live for the swarm!

(Please lord don’t let this be a duplicate thread)

Loved starcraft one but the 3 different games for each campaign is just … Im only gonna get one just so I can do online multiplayer. (Hope it has the customability the warcraft had) I loved games liked EORP or w/e it was called HRP maybe and games like pyramid escape and tower defenses.

lol, one thing that came to mind when I saw this was “Starcraft II: Universe of Starcraft”

Who would win Terratron or an overmind?

Remember Zerg free radio

Hmm…I’m surprised this thread already exists. Well if anyone here owns this game besides me my character name is StarWarsXD and my code is 805.

I got Collector’s Edition
Khaos.431 I think

octo wanted me to do this so here it is
Protoss basics
building probes

  1. click on your nexus and press e to build a probe at 50 minerals.
  2. you can chrono boost workers and units at your nexus.
    building gateway units
  3. put down a pylon anywhere in your base.
  4. once the pylon is done warping in it will create a power field… you can place buildings in this powerfield, so place down a gateway in the powerfield.
  5. if you want to get warp gates then create a cybernetics core (this also goes in the pylon powerfield), the cybernetics core allows certain upgrades aswsell as warp gates, and it allows stalkers and sentry’s upon being built.
  6. to get upgrades for the gateway units build a forge.
  7. to get high Templar build a Templar archive then build high templar.
  8. to get dark templar place a dark shrine (after getting a tamplar archive and cybernetics core (correct me on this if im wrong, I don’t ussually get dark templar).