Star's Minecraft Server

Sure. Slime Balls and Snow balls have been added to group 1.

I need to be added to the list for the server so i can actually do anything.

Just Opped you. Sorry about that.

My friend and I have (almost) finished our house. Made an album for you guys.

Also, slightly NSFW due to language (can’t help myself, sorry)

It’s nice to look at.

Man, that’s brilliant. Wish I were creative. >.>

Oh man, the ip changed again. Sorry if you thought the server was down or something like that >_>

are you like constantly switching computers or something? (sorry if you guys already discussed this im in a rush to do something).

No, whenever power to my little tower modem is cut out it reboots with a new IP.

Do you live in a thunderstorm or something?
It seems to happen quite alot xD

This is Star’s Minecraft server? But it’s good!

No, this was MC Classic.

Well I meant this topic is Star’s Multiplayer server.

And for that matter there is no topic for any OTHER minecraft server. So I’ll make a lovely new one. I’ll edit this picture out. Have fun.