Thanks fishrocker
WOOHOO, Notessimo has 700 users. Its time to PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR
Unfortunately, only 3.142857 percent of users are/were active.
:EDIT: Carlton Crew is a mod???
Yes, I made the 5555th post and I have the most recent posts in all the forums in the “Notessimo” section
If only I could upload an image…
YES!!! 3.00 posts per day
I’m beating you! I have 3.06 posts per day!
OK…Polls say I should write either a techno song or something for the RPG soundtrack. Umm…which one do I choose?
Also, curse you JMan!!! I shall raise my posts per day to 5.78 mwhahahha
Working on something for the soundtrack now
Techno vs Rock 2 was pretty good Anthony.
Wow. Another great song Anthony! I love how you used the steel drum.
ARgh, My asshole friend rated my song a 0
why on earth would he do that?
Protip : Forget the ratings system even exists. One can vote once for each song every day. This means musically retarded kiddies can give their aural excrement a ridiculously high rating. Also, according to one of the laws of the internet, if you do get a highly rated song, some asshole will come by and down-vote it for the lulz. AND there is such an enormous volume in the browse page, unless you whore your song out, it won’t even get a dozen votes in a month.
i had a song rated 3.7 and some retard rated it 1.
Little bugger
i always rate everything (except my own songs, thats cheating). There are only those few songs that actually get 10 ratings, like arrangements Kd decides to keep everyone waiting a few months for. I wish more people would use it. Not just use it, but use it THE RIGHT WAY.
Yeah! Go team America! With one little Brit of course (me!)
…and two canadians: me and Kd
Bump for update, Summer Fantasy is complete YAY