I’ve seen a lot of songs that use crescendos and decrescendos, however as far as I know it’s not a feature in v3, nor is it available now, unless you manually shift the volume of every note. And even then, you can’t make sustained notes get louder/softer. Anyways, to cut this short, I think it’d be a useful addition to add a feature which automatically adjusted note volume from X value to Y value, adjusting all notes (on the same layer or of the same instrument) in between.
that would be nice. I would also like to see
1.the option to place a dynamic marking ( pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff… etc) on the staff so all the notes can be played at the same dynamic
2. A crescendo and decrescendo placed on the staff so every note can increase/decrease in loudness.
No there is not yet, but I do plan on adding this feature eventually. There are way to do it in V3 like QVX did by looping the same sheet and lower the volume each time.