Super Mario Thread

It is just the note duration and instruments that dont even sound remotely correct and the fact that that isn’t even half the song that throws it off

I prefer the timbre of heart’s version.

And as for this

That is just pure fail and lose. Why do people think adding a guitar, or several, to a song will make it better? I blame Guitar Hero. And why do people think they can get away with these insipid, half-assed “remixes?” You sully the good name of Starburst with that deplorable bastardization.

mario 64 anyone?


Swimmy swimmy swimmy…
Fun fun fun!

That, my freind, was fine work. Mind If I make an Elcectric guitar version like Bowser the Shredder?

Found the piano one i did in april

Just to annoy you, Hypo:


Wasn’t sure which mario it was from, but I know it was the castle levels. Also, yes, the Fender Strat guitar gets a little messed up, so sue me.

Also, ARGH! Something kept going wrong with it, I had to upload it four times in a row. Geez, I’m so stupid. xD



I’m thinking of doing a Mario song, I just don’t know which. Someone inspire me.
I’m thinking Bob-omb Battlefield’s theme, or maybe Rainbow Ride. I dunno. I’ve got both of those started, anyway.

EDIT: Scratch that, everyone. I KNOW what I`m doing next. For sure.

EDIT 2: Here’s a preview: ?id=9922

EDIT 3: Bob-omb Battlefield’s still up for grabs. I’m not going to do it for a while, and if someone jazzified it really well, it would sould great. DO IT!

EDIT 4: Someone post so that I can stop editing this one! Fight Bowser Fight’s all done, but feel free to re-remix it with it with the original instruments, I wouldn’t mind. ?id=9946

This is the song from when you defeat a level in super mario bros.

My Overworld Theme song for mario. it took me an hour to make this

OH YEAH! It’s done!! Yeah the Underwater theme!!!

I did one underwater theme a while ago using the Rhodes 2 but not sure if i put it online

here’s Fever from Dr. Mario

The princess’s secret slide from mario 64 - here’s a preview - it took me hours!

and the pipe…

lol. That sounds like the actual game. Little short to be called a song, but it’s still pretty neat.

lol its the pipe!!! it will suck you in and you can never escape!! mwahahaha!
For the secret slide, its good, but the main tune is to soft, make it louda!!

eat that mushroom yo!

Nice. Sounds just like the mushroom!