Talk About Stuff

That is a gorgeous lamp.

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pls purge this htread

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This is probably the greatest gif I have ever seen in my life.

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eLmOā€™s HeLl

pfftauyayuhrouyhawouef is that? HAHAH

am pizza

So I started watching Markiplerā€¦

I had the most epic Omegle conversation in existence.

WARNING: Contains sad moments and the typical life of a young chicken wing.

Click to expand

Youā€™re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: h

Stranger: ii

Stranger: hhihi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hihi

Stranger: ihhi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hiihhi

Stranger: hiih

Stranger: ihihi

Stranger: hih

You: lol

Stranger: hih

Stranger: ihhi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: h

Stranger: ih

Stranger: ih

Stranger: i

Stranger: lol

You: sooā€¦

Stranger: im a nugget

You: are you delicious?

Stranger: yes, yes i am

You: how delicious?

Stranger: very

Stranger: 10/10

You: yummy

Stranger: thanks

You: Are you served at a restaurant?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: at kfc

Stranger: if you consider that as a restaurant

You: lol

Stranger: sometimes mcdonalds

You: Do you have a name?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: its nugget

Stranger: nugget nuggetson

You: thatā€™s lovely

Stranger: thankss

Stranger: i got my name from my great grandfather

Stranger: even though im a girl

Stranger: but yeah

You: how do nuggets reproduce?

Stranger: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Stranger: thats

Stranger: thats a secret

You: If you tell me how nuggets reproduce, Iā€™ll tell you how chicken wings reproduce

Stranger: omg really

Stranger: promise??

Stranger: pinky promise???

You: yess

Stranger: ok

Stranger: ok

Stranger: okokok

Stranger: well

Stranger: welllllll

Stranger: wellllllllllllllllll

Stranger: we go to kfc

Stranger: like our whole family

Stranger: and thennnnnnn

Stranger: thennnnnnnnnnn

Stranger: then we dance

Stranger: then

Stranger: nuggets come out of no where

You: ok

You: us chicken wings

Stranger: mhm

You: are born from chickens

Stranger: omg no way

Stranger: thats unbelievable

You: we then wake up in places

Stranger: wowowow0wow0ow0wo

You: and it gets really hot

Stranger: yep

You: and weā€™ve got a tasty coat out of nowhere

Stranger: oh wow

You: then we get burned up after traveling through a slimy tube

You: and thatā€™s our lifespan

Stranger: thats sounds fascinating

Stranger: interesting

You: right now Iā€™ve got a tasty crunchy coat

Stranger: oh nice

You: it attracts all da ladies

Stranger: oh yes i see

Stranger: does it glow in the dark


Stranger: you should get that done!!!

Stranger: go to a coat glowing place and ya know

You: brb Iā€™m gonna go get my coat done

Stranger: alright

You: should only take a minute

Stranger: ok ill be waiting

You: Iā€™m back

Stranger: oooooooooooo are you glowing??

You: yes

You: itā€™s amazing

Stranger: yep

Stranger: what colour

You: blue

Stranger: oh nice

Stranger: i have purple

You: that sound amazing

Stranger: yeahh!! it is

You: ohno

Stranger: oh nooo what!!

You: im being put in a box

Stranger: oh nononon

Stranger: no

Stranger: n

Stranger: ono

Stranger: no

You: with a bunch of my brothers and sisters

Stranger: this is a bad sign

Stranger: this is terrible

Stranger: youā€™re going to be eaten

Stranger: and you will have no more glow!!

You: OH NO



You: huh

You: I was put in a dark place

You: itā€™s hard to see

You: I think I see liquid

You: and pieces of other things

Stranger: there should be a torch under your coat

You: weā€™re wrapped in plastic

Stranger: oh no

You: it looks like a dump

Stranger: youre in a terrible place!!

Stranger: ive been there once!!!

You: where am I?

Stranger: youre in a kfc bin

Stranger: i think

Stranger: : (

You: whats gonna happen to me?

Stranger: youre gonna be taken to a place with other dead chicken wings

You: a graveyard?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: chicken wing graveyard

You: ; (

Stranger: it was nice knowing you, chicken wing : (

You: I think weā€™re on the move

Stranger: oooooooooo

You: wait

Stranger: oh my

You: whatā€™s that sound

Stranger: is it a cat

You: itā€™s getting hard to see

You: thereā€™s a bunch of bags

Stranger: oh my lord this is so dramatic

You: and weā€™re in a giant metal box on wheels

Stranger: ok then

Stranger: i have no idea

Stranger: where you are right now

Stranger: but yeah it sounds dangerous

Stranger: youre just an innocent chicken wing

You: Iā€™m very innocent

Stranger: very

You: Iā€™m scared too

Stranger: aww there there

Stranger: at least you have other chicken wings with you, right?

You: yes

Stranger: see thats good

Stranger: you have some company

You: but itā€™s getting tighter


Stranger: OH NO

Stranger: OH NONONNO

Stranger: i will miss you chicken wing!!!

Stranger: : (((( im crying

You: the pressure is releasing

You: Iā€™m ok

Stranger: oh so youre okay?

You: that was close

Stranger: yes indeed

You: ohgod I see crushed bones from chicken wings I used to know ; (

You: I donā€™t like this place

Stranger: oh my gosh thats bad

Stranger: i think you should use your glowing powers to escape

You: Iā€™m using them right now to see. I currently do not see an exit.

Stranger: is it still dark

You: yes

Stranger: oh no

Stranger: im afraidā€¦ im afraid you will not survive

You: wait, I think I see light pouring in

You: Iā€™m movin out

Stranger: okokok quickk

You: ; (

Stranger: are you out!!??

You: I was soo close

You: but then more heavy bags crushed me


You: no

You: it does hurt though

Stranger: oh thank godd

Stranger: should i call the chicken police

You: I donā€™t think anyone can help me now

Stranger: WHAT WHY

You: I donā€™t think thereā€™s any hope

You: itā€™s too scary

You: and dark

Stranger: how will you survive omg

You: wait

You: weā€™ve stopped

Stranger: oooooooooooooooooooo

You: :o

Stranger: :o

You: whatā€™s goin on?


You: I saw light, then everything tilted, then we dropped, then we started moving again, but much slower

You: I can see though

You: I see blue everywhere

You: I think itā€™s water

Stranger: water is transparent though : ((((((

You: Iā€™ve seen a lot of water in my day, and I think it must be very deep, or powerade

You: like the powerade that comes out of the liquid dispensers that the aliens pour into plastic containers

Stranger: oh yes

Stranger: powerade

Stranger: i see what you mean

You: Itā€™s so boring now

You: weā€™re just moving so slowly on a large metal object that keeps loudly moaning on the blue liquid that might be water

Stranger: i wonder where youre going

You: yay

You: Iā€™m not the only living chicken wing!

Stranger: : OO

Stranger: yaay new friends for you

You: He seems to be very wise

You: and smelly

Stranger: is he hot

You: no

You: heā€™s old

Stranger: oh

You: and his coat is peeling

Stranger: ewww

Stranger: will you find me a hot chicken wing

You: this one is helpful though. heā€™s giving me a lot of useful info

Stranger: oh like what



Stranger: THANK*

You: D :

Stranger: whats wrong

You: Weā€™re going into a large graveyard island

You: and itā€™s the end of the journey

You: thatā€™s where weā€™ll die

You: thatā€™s where everything goes to die

You: hello?

You: nugget nuggetson?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: soorryy

You: thank god youā€™re still here.

Stranger: YES SORRY

You: I though you were served to aliens already

You: *thought

Stranger: my nugget brother was annoying me

Stranger: nono


You: sadly, yes

You: though we wonā€™

You: t be arriving there for a while

Stranger: : ((

Stranger: should i tell your chiken wing family

Stranger: chicken*

You: no

You: theyā€™re dead

You: eaten by aliens

Stranger: oh no

You: Iā€™m the only survivor of my family

Stranger: this is bad

Stranger: very very bad

Stranger: i will organise your funeral

You: that reminds me

You: you donā€™t know my name

Stranger: oh that is true

You: youā€™re gonna need it and my date of birth and death

Stranger: ok what is your name chicken wing

You: Name: Ken Wingaling Chi

You: Birth: 5/24/2014

Stranger: omg you have a great name

Stranger: you were born yesterday for me

You: for me too

Stranger: oh myy

Stranger: and do you know when youā€™re gonna die

You: no

You: but the wise man says Iā€™ll wonā€™t see June

Stranger: oh no

Stranger: no christmas for you

Stranger: or new years

Stranger: or

Stranger: easter

Stranger: nope no more

You: He says Iā€™ll see Memorial Day

Stranger: oo

Stranger: but what if

Stranger: someone saves you

Stranger: like right now

You: Strangely, he says that things actually live longer at Garbage Island, because there are close to 0 aliens there.

Stranger: yes and i am surrounded by aliens


Stranger: ok i am back

You: what were you doing Nugget?

Stranger: my nugget brother is an annoying little shit ; '))))))))

You: what was he doing?

Stranger: hes just annoying me

You: I think the wise wing is crazy

You: Heā€™s accusing me of eating his coat


Stranger: i bet you did it!!

You: woah Iā€™m not Hannibal Lecter ok?

You: Iā€™m no cannibal, Iā€™ll only eat plants

Stranger: youre vegetarian!!?

You: well, what else would a chicken wing like me eat?

Stranger: ummmmmmm

Stranger: cows

Stranger: and

Stranger: pigs

You: lol no theyā€™re bigger than me

You: and scary

Stranger: what about insects

You: you got me

You: I do have insects

Stranger: hahahaaa im too good

You: what do you eat?

Stranger: i eat nothing

Stranger: i dont need food pshhh

You: whatā€™s that like?

Stranger: its greatt

Stranger: i dont need to worry about what to cook

Stranger: or wasting my nugget money

You: I wish I didnā€™t have to eat

Stranger: yeah you should have become a nugget

You: too bad I didnā€™t have a choice

Stranger: that is unfortunate

Stranger: because i did

You: : O you sound so lucky

Stranger: yes ; )))))))))



You: aww

Stranger: sorry : ((((((

You: remember me, remember my name

Stranger: yes i will


Stranger: and remember me


You: Iā€™ll find a place to talk about you

You: and remember

Stranger: yes yes thank you

Stranger: i will write about you in my nugget diary

Stranger: and tell my grandchildren about you

You: : D thank you

Stranger: grandnuggets*

You: that sounds like a great honor

Stranger: yes : )

Stranger: ok byeee ken wingaling chi

Stranger: i will miss you!!!

Stranger: byebye

Stranger: waves with nugget hands

You: waves wings

You: bye

You have disconnected.


so bootiful i cri evertim

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What makes you think thatā€™s the longest Omegle chat ever?

EDIT: Yay, the post number is now equal to the year! What a great birthday present!

im sad

I am so dreadfully sorry for a huge faggot. Lelelel.

Sandalman9001, please report everyone for being a forum.

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Apoctoloptogon, please, I am only singing my next hit EDM song, Tsukasaā€™s nightmare.

Okie dokie,

god damn u 4 editing my comment.

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wat u do i want the orignallll back