Talk About Stuff

That’s me

Hey guise. New video.

ˊ_>ˋ ok

ok more like o you’re dumb

bick surn


i’m the 2048 post
feed me

sorry for the double but I gotsta do



That isn’t funny, I don’t care how many likes you get.

Says the guy who thinks he’s the shit all the time. Holy crap, you’re not funny either.

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That was actually mean, Tsukasa.

dedicated to tim verbist


So one time in school I had to write a stupid thing about how we judged someone by a certain bias point of view and I had nothing to write about, so naturally I wrote this and I got full credit.
I Judged Phill the Cool Guy
One time I saw a guy named Phill and I thought that he was dumb because he wore his socks inside-out and he went to the restaurant that I didn’t like. He was actually really cool and super smart so I made him be my friend. Phill showed me his grades and he had straight good grades. He also showed me his really cool fish and he was really cool. Phill jumped into a fire and I never saw him again.
This is also a part of a series of short paragraphs that I had to write for school because I didn’t have anything else to write about.

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I had a random weird lengthy dream and I don’t know where else to post it so here.

Click to expand

Author’s Notes: This was a dream I had when I went to bed around 5 AM on June 14, 2014. The aliens the dream is referring to are from the “Aliens” trilogy as well as from “Aliens vs. Predator”. Some details were changed so it did not contradict itself and made much more sense. It would appear the dream takes place in an alternate reality where my dad did not retire in 2014 and I went to high school in New Mexico.

It was June 2015 and my first day of summer school was starting. I had to take summer school because I didn’t do so well for my first year in high school. There was a rumor that strange things happen after the school year, but I didn’t pay them any attention. When I got into the classroom, it was already packed full of kids between the ages of 14-19. The seating arrangement was curved so the front seats made a perfect semicircle around the black-haired male teacher. As I looked around, I saw only one desk available; It was a desk in the front on the far left. The lesson the teacher was talking about wasn’t interesting at all, so naturally my attention was else where. Looking all around the room confirmed that there were well over twenty students in the colorless room. As the day progressed, students asked to go to the bathroom. It’s not like the teacher could stop them, so he allowed it. Those seats remained empty. It was so great when it was time to go home, because that place gave me the creeps.

The next day, the classroom had noticeably fewer desks than yesterday. I ignored this fact and sat in my seat. The day progressed while my bladder filled up faster and faster. I could take no more, “Hey, may I go to the bathroom?” And just like always, the teacher allowed it. I slowly walked through the hallways, observing the colorless features of the wall until I made it to the bathroom. The way the bathroom was arranged was rather odd, with urinals on the right and sinks on the left. In the middle of the whole room, were 4 white bathroom stalls. Everything was so white in the bathroom, it was rather incredible. Or almost everything. I looked at the stall in front of me, just to see red fluid spattered every where. I could see the corpse under the stall door with two black, oddly-shaped animal feet. The sight was stunning, but I walked towards the stall. Before I could even get within 5 feet, the stall door slammed open and I saw the creature that the feet belonged to. It was an alien charging straight for me. I swiftly turned around and ran out the bathroom, screaming for my life. As I sprinted through the classroom door, I kicked the door closed and ran to my seat. Nobody said anything and I’m glad they didn’t, I was too horrified to speak.

The next day when I came to class, half the kids and desks had vanished. This was the last straw. I sat in my seat and personally, I was infuriated. I just could not take it, so I snapped. “Explain this to me: How the hell do you know how many kids are going to show up to class?! Why do you remove the desks of the kids who disappear?! And why the hell was there an alien in the bathroom?!” The teacher calmly replied, “Do not raise your voice at me. And what are you even talking about?” His attitude towards the situation made me even angrier, “Don’t you dare play dumb with me! You know what I’m talking about! Every day, kids disappear and you somehow know which kids will not show up! Why the hell would the school not tell us about the danger lingering in the school?!” He did not like my attitude either, so he stopped the conversation and told me, “Until you cool off, go to the principal’s office.” I dully obeyed and walked out of the class. The school was definitely going to call my parents about my outburst. The building was rather large and it would take a couple of minutes before I reached the principal, so I knew something bad was going to happen. It was only seconds of walking before I heard a strange shriek, causing me to look up. I had no time to react and was promptly back-handed by an alien, sending me crashing into the wall next to the water fountains. Frozen in fear, all I could do was watch it jump at me like a Hunter from “Left for Dead”. Suddenly an giant orange blur collided with the alien in mid-air, sending the alien perpendicular to the direction I was sent. This orange monster had no visible eyes and was on all-fours, with muscular legs supporting its weight and black lips that stretch across its face. The only animals that you could compare it to would be either a dog or a horse, but neither of those looked nearly as strange as this creature. The attacking alien was scared away by this orange beast that had just save my life. The monster turned to look at me with no eyes and then… changed? A large portion of orange disappeared and what was left was a girl from my class. She had blonde hair and was wearing what appeared to be a beige sailor/stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl outfit. The most extraordinary thing about her appearance was she had gold eyes, which I had never seen on anybody.

“Who… who… who are you?” I asked.

“I am nobody,”

“Obviously you are someone, you just saved my life! How did you do that? Change from the orange monster to you?”

“I’m a shape-shifter,”

“I didn’t even know such a creature that could do that existed!” I was rather surprised by this ability. It was the most amazing thing I heard!

“I’m not the only shape-shifter, and that’s a big problem.” Her tone of voice gradually shifted from happy to grim when she said that.

“What do you mean, do you know what’s going on?”

She started telling a story about the aliens. “Indeed I do. You see, a bunch of alien scouts landed on my home planet and observed us. When they finally got all the information they needed, they contacted other aliens to invade my planet. We were much better than them and our future looked bright, but not for long. A small raid party of aliens found out why we could shape-shift and acquired the fluid that gives us our powers. It’s rather hard to detect shape-shifters, since even their body temperature and bone structure can change. We could only tell by their putrid scent that could be smelled from a mile away. But there were too many, and we had to evacuate the planet immediately. Only 0.0001% of the population survived. We spread all across the galaxy to insure that we did not go extinct, even if that meant breeding with other species. Unfortunately, now I see a similar thing happening on this planet, except humans have an even smaller chance of survival. Those aliens know strategy very well, and will shape-shift into household objects that are being packed away and shipped to other parts of the world. It should be our mission to exterminate all of them before they take over.” This was a lot to take in, but if this was true, then we had to act fast.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I don’t want my dogs to just run off.”

“Don’t worry, the dogs will pick up the scent and follow it. This will make finding the aliens easy. In the meantime, we will have to chase them wherever they go. When we get there, I will transform into a small animal just in case I need to squeeze into a tiny space.”

“Very well then,” I said in a concerned voice. We opened the front door to let the dogs out, and they ran out.

She then shouted, “Let’s go!” It was hard to keep up with the dogs and I felt like passing out. “C’mon! We gotta keep up,” she said as an attempt to encourage me to keep going. It was only about a thirty second run there, but I was exhausted anyways. Cali and Flash kept sniffing at the strangers door, definitely signaling something suspicious was there. I turned around and asked her, “Who’s going to ring the doorbell?”

“You are.” I really did not like ringing stranger’s doorbells, I am just too shy to do that. But I did anyways, because I was forced to like always. The man that opened the door appeared to be in his sixties or seventies. Behind him was a woman who seemed to be about the same age.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The old man asked that question with a tone like he was talking to a five year-old.

“Umm… well… I… we…” The girl interrupted me before I made a fool out of myself.

“It is important that we check your stuff, because one of the items do not actually belong to you. We’ll just check your stuff and when we find the item, you will be informed.”

“Just as long as you don’t make a mess.” I looked around the first room and saw a box mysteriously out of place. I turned around to talk to the girl about it, but I didn’t see her until I looked down. She had transformed into a guinea pig.

“Would you say that the box in that corner is a bit odd?”

“Agreed. Judging by what the box says is inside, we can assume the alien has shape-shifted into a stuffed-animal. That means it’ll be easy to tear it up.” I pulled out my pocket knife and used it to cut the tape. The box was about two feet by two feet by 4 feet and was the standard brown color, so it was safe to assume there would be more than one hundred stuffed-animals inside. Instead, the box was only half-full, meaning the job would not take long. As I pulled out each individual stuffed-animal, the guinea pig would say in a rather high-pitched voice, “Nope!” It was just one stuffed-animal after another. Maybe a couple of minutes passed, but all I knew was that my arm was sore from doing the same action over and over. “Stop! I think that’s it!” I looked down at the toy in my hand, and it didn’t look any different than the other stuffed-animals. I’ve seen stuffed-animals like this before, just your standard small, fluffy horse. Even if it wasn’t the alien, I still passed it to the guinea pig and I noticed the dogs growl at the animal. This was definitely what we were looking for. She sniffed the animal and transformed her arm into the arm of the orange beast. I guess the alien sensed the danger, because it started to shape-shift into its true form. Before it finished, she promptly tore the animal to shreds with her furry, orange, muscular arm. The deed was done. Cotton and blood littered the floor where the alien used to be. “What was that noise?” Because we were too lazy to pick that up, I opened the window and we escaped with the dogs.

The rental trailer was packed full of our stuff that the movers did not take with them. We were finally heading to San Antonio, which was where my dad wanted to go after retiring. “It’s a shame that you are leaving, our work isn’t finished.” It was obvious she was disappointed, but there was nothing I could do.

“I know, but this is just how life is. Will I ever see you again?”

“Well, I am going to have to find someone else that can finish the job. Maybe if the problem reaches Texas, you will be informed and maybe our trio will work together. It all just depends.” I got into the car in the right seat near the back.

“Bye,” she said while waving at me.

“I’ll miss you,” I told her.

She then muttered to me, “Until next time…”

And the car drove off, separating the two friends.

I woke up around noon and all I could say was, “That was so awesome.” It was a little disappointing that the dream was left hanging, so I tried going back to sleep, but all I had was some stupid racing dream that was cut short by my dad who woke me up at 1 P.M. so we could start cleaning the house before we move to San Antonio, Texas. I will never forget this totally epic dream…


good read

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Wish I could have had a dream like that once. The only dream I’ve had as a child that I still remember today is a stupid one about talking animals taking over the world.

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I have some of the most vivid dreams ever. It runs in the family. One time my brother had a dream that felt like a week (I’ve had one that felt like an entire day once). Though having vivid dreams means you can also have VERY VIVID NIGHTMARES. I’ll explain later.