Talk About Stuff

well that was… interesting haha

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Every page in that book.

big rant below, if you follow me on soundcloud, you can read below. if you don’t, you can read below anyways. if you feel like you aren’t the people being ranted about, that’s fine. you know who you are whether you do this or not. sorry in advance.

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okay, sorry for ranting here, but it really, REALLY ticks me off when (on soundcloud for everything i’m talking about here) i post my normal style of music (you know, the weird and inaccessible stuff that everybody seems to hate) that i put so much work, effort, and detail into and it gets no feedback at all, but when i post a electro house track or remix or whatever, it explodes and gets me 300 followers, not kidding. it seriously happened with this. it’s almost as if my followers are saying, FINALLY you’ve stopped making that crap music. i’m glad the old cartrox is back. you need to stick to this style of music. NO, i won’t. because i’m genuinely happy. like i said, i’m putting so much work into a finished track. i have so many unfinished songs, so that’s why each one is worth noting because, seriously, i don’t think i finish most of my songs. i know the music i make isn’t for everyone, but this really drives me crazy, to be honest. i’m feeling a lack of support from my followers, only a few people like what i put out anymore. for those people who do enjoy it, thank you. for those of you don’t, it’s okay, but i’m really sorry. i just need to get this off my chest. i’m seriously going crazy. i’ve almost been tempted to delete all the tracks on my account and just only release on bandcamp, where i would get no feedback anyways.


I understand how you feel dude. I’m also kind of in that situation. I got (semi) popular for Future Funk and now people expect me to make what they think I should make. I have a ton of orchestral pieces I want to post but I know they won’t get any views. And now that I’m in a collective/label I don’t think I have the freedom to do what I want anymore. It’s not really anyone’s fault. We can’t really control what people like, and people can’t control what you present to them. It sucks but nothing can be done about it. My advice? Fuck it, post what you want. Do what makes you happy. Composition is about discovering what you, yourself, want in music, and telling the world “Hey, this is what I’m doing and this is what I aim to be, you don’t have to like everything about me, but I’m glad some of you appreciate parts of me.” (I hope that made sense, my English isn’t very good.)


thanks tsu. that means a lot. :3

and sorry to hear that! it really isn’t so fun. :frowning: you should post your orchestral pieces. i wanna hear them! you never know what can happen!

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[joke]and if it doesn’t go as planned, take it down and then reupload it pitched down 50 semitones, that should do it[/joke]

EDIT: also it’s kinda funny, even my dad sometimes says “you should make music like this” when we’re listening to certain types of music like big audio dynamite (which is an 80’s rock band) or even kendrick lamar (“you need to make songs with all these samples going around” i don’t know if he knows what samples means…) one time we were listening to the radio and he said that i should make a skrillex-style remix of the song we were listening to. we were listening to stayin’ alive by the bee gees. -_- i gave him a disappointed look immediately afterwards. lol love you dad.


Hey, Cartox, I forgot to say it on soundcloud, so I might as well just say it here now that i can. I prefer your more difficult to understand music than your more accessible stuff, like I do with most music.
Here’s a little rant/history music lesson from a band i’ve come across a while ago, (so don’t waste your time reading if you don’t give a heck):

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A great example of a band in the past that did what they wanted to do and didn’t listen to what their labels had to say, is this band called Talk Talk. They were extremely popular in the early/mid 80s for making synthpop and very radio friendly music. The band made a slightly different album, The Colour of Spring, which still had a little bit of accessibility, but was infused with a lot more art rock influences. Then the band took a huge left turn with the album Spirit of Eden in 1988, which was way jazzier, way more experimental, and subtle, but at the same time busy with completely improvised melodies. Their label completely flipped with the album, and of course when it was released, the album sold poorly, but it was critically praised. The band made their next and final album, Laughing Stock, which was even MORE left field, and it was released on a different label because of the problems with the album before it. Again, it sold very poorly at first but was viewed by critics mostly favorably. Over time many artists and music listeners began noticing these albums, and what they actually meant artistically, and the albums’ popularity slowly grew and became cult classics. The two were a great influence on future artists, especially in the post-rock genre, as Spirit of Eden being considered one of the first albums of post-rock. [/details]

Anyway, enough with that, do what you want to do, there is an audience for everything, it just may take a bit longer to find that audience than, say, if you were to make a generic pop track that can catch the ear of a listener very easily. Also take the freedom that you have since you aren’t stuck on a label, like Tsukasa is.
Rip in Tsukasa



jk lol thanks for the support, you 2 :slight_smile:

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lmao carot

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This game is very strange.



Today is the great Member exodus, fleeing towards the wonderful city of Maestros, led by Star, the great Moderator


And so begins another chapter in the Notessimo Bible…

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can I be a part of this chapter?

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no youve been too dead

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Dude, didn’t you hear? I heard there was like this guy who was resurrected in that book man.

oh ok

The Book of Rev3lations…

6 Likes for a brief moment :’(

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