Talk About Stuff

Then i should make a Thread about them.

lmao im laughgingedf

I’m 160 degrees F and what is this

say yes if you think a PVC thread is pointless Tsukasa is uhh

Click to expand

hey, hey, no hate. dont be a jerk. jerks arent cool and hip. :cool:

Peanut Butter.
I need to write a really good story.

Once upon a time, a girl named Julitherharian put peanut butter on toast. But the toast was burn’t! Sneaky Julitherharian knew this and secretly put a top secret chemical that is the burnt toast’s worst nightmare in the peanut butter. The burn’t toast was no-more. The end.


Haha oops :smiley:

Here is an unfinished epic based around my unfinished song.

[details=Click to expand]Chapter 1: The Great Potato Awakening
Potatoes are known for being potatoes, and this potato that was being a potato had to go on an adventure. This potato, named Nathan went to get his clothes on and grabbed his potato gun to shoot at burnt toast for his adventure. The adventure was to go destroy as many burnt toasts he could without being turned into a inside out seal.
Potatoes are known to turn into a dog potato when they eat burnt toast and then they lose a freckle and become a star named xierwousfloshmen and would explode and become a potato again. He needed to avoid eating burnt toast at all costs because he did not want that to happen to him.
Nathan turned on his potatoPod and listened to some Miley Cyrus until he knew it was time to prepare for the great potato vs. burnt toast battle.
Chapter 2: The Great Potato Preparation
Nathan knew that if he wanted to win this battle, he would need to wear some heavy armor to block the shooting toenails. He went to his local worm store and bought their sports drinks so he can get energy to blow up a Twinkie.
Nathan heard potatoes screaming the song of potatoes and then a cat exploded and he lifted up into the air by the great god Morgan Satan. Morgan Satan gave Nathan powers to unlock to go to have been grant become a super potato. Nathan was immediately exposed to learn the great poops of doops and piper lipper duper lagabaga.
Nathan the potato gathered the magical mystical potato Tanner to travel onward to the land of the burnt toasts.
Chapter 3: The Great Potato Travel Onwards
Nathan was about to eat a flying rainbow turkey tornado but he had to get up and fly off to the battlegrounds of the evil raunchy tomatoes. And burnt toast. He traveled along and found his buddy fren Tanner that ate a flying seal. Traveling in the conditions they were in was very risky because they could easily trip on a potato and collapse in on their self.
Aware of the harsh conditions, Nathan brought his safety toenail that could transform into the Great Wall of China. He placed his hot dog on the monument of potato that would then tell them how to get to McDonald’s where they would find an inside-out seal banana.
Tanner ate Nathan so he could gain extra power and he crashed into the silver pickle. Noticing that this was only to the start of his adventure of poop ladooperhafladbfjekwalfenwja he then knew that he had to travel on further to find that there was a conflict between potato and shovel doppings. And burnt toast.
Chapter 4: The Great Potato Conflict
Nathan traveled on and heard a disturbance on the poop radio. The Burnt Toasts were creating a warning against the potato race that they would make the potatoes eat them so they could turn into a blown up super walrus inside of a trampoline shoe that could shoot rays of death at hipsters.
Nathan really didn’t want that so he ate himself so the burnt toasts would not notice him. He watched the burnts from a distance and overheard their plan. They said:
“Cabaflabadaba, sicawagalabaflagaba wooladoopageefla ooperdoodle.”
This made Nathan become a rotten apple for two seconds but he didn’t know a single word the burnt toasts said. He ran into the distance to begin his offense against the burnt seahorse shavings, the great gameboy earwax. And the burnt toast.[/details]


Nobody has replied to this in a while
 What is going on?

people come and go that is the nature

I didn’t want to talk about stuff at the time.

But now I do.
I know I’m a bit late on this, but HERE throws: Duck Simulator 2008

And while I’m talking. SELF PROMOTION!! :smiley:

basically notessimo


this slo-mo gif is cool!

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Is that a tortilla? #sarcasm

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I like your GIF, ggfchl.