Techno Thread

Dan and Cirrus…that was true 8-bits right there.
If I was a freak, 123543.124 thumbs up!

A song that was stuck in my head for a while, from some other thing Starburst made. :twisted:

Haven’t heard the original but that was amazing!

Some kind of trance song… :3

EDIT1: Here’s a revised version that has a better matching tempo on sheets 9-10

That was AMAZING!!!

very happy
good tempo
You ACTUALLY used the vocals in a good way

CON: sheets 9 and 10… It just doesn’t seem to fit. Maybe it’s a bad tempo.

Defo 5 stars.


Wow auro, amazing song! I never knew that Synth Bass could sound so good until now. The Synths were really great, and Aahhs were used nicely. The only thing I didn’t love however were bars 4 and 10.

You really should be careful as to who you are insulting there Muse.

you mean sheets 4 and 10? bars refer to measures, and I didn’t see anything wrong with those.

Ovbiously Muse meant sheets 4 and 10, and I have to agree there. I didn’t see what purpose they served at all.

Well obviously I haven’t heard that song yet. :twisted:
And anyway I meant “Synth Brass”.

Yes, that’s it. I should really go back voer my posts. :twisted:

Its my Techno Mania again. I took out the techno bass as reccomended, and as I said I am keeping the whale=).

that is the song’s main instrument…

Yep. How else would I fix my correction though?

And for the techno mania song, I don’t think the two Synth #1’s sounded good together in some parts. (Odd, they shouldn’t have the same name.) I don’t remember the last version of it but it was pretty good. I liked sheet 3.

But you even posted a reply on the songs page… :twisted:

it seems muse is slipknot in disguise.

:twisted: Someone hacked into my account!!

Is this techno?

Well whatever it was it was pretty good!


Do the “triplets” sound like triplets?