Techno Thread

I’m hopeless against your songs anthony!

PS: Starlight is already a song, just letting you know

Reviving this topic :smiley:

Summer Fantasy

happy pills wouldve worked!

lol My song wasn’t happy enough to be called Happy Pills :stuck_out_tongue:

you needed bass 3 for that huh? lol (hlisten)

yup (hlisten)

I’m bringing this thread back to life

Rose Fantasy

That thoroughly confuses me. It’s too… classical sounding to be techno, right? It’s like Vivaldi forced himself upon a synthesizer.

Ok then, I shall make a thread called “Techno-ish songs that also sound like classical”

oh, congrats on your 300th post

I think you just created a new type of music…and I like it!

Beat that.
(Just kidding.)


If I am not mistaken on Genre Types, I believe this is a dance type song.

well hope my first song post works XD here it goes…doubt i can beat ur song Undefined or any other song on here but hey ITS A START XD

synthizizers only…made it out of boredom…like all my songs

BEAT THAT (u probably will )

Well, you obviously have some musical talent!
But That is a good start! I am sure if you continue to listen to other people’s
songs, make your own, etc. you will become as good as Hypo, Heartasword

I would recommend in order to help get used to the program finding some sheet music for a song
maybe if you feel daring, add your own style to it!

Needless to say, you are alerady doing better than other people whohaven’t read the rules, etc. before
doing something stupid…
(And if you haven’t, please do so, and if you are unsure
you can always ask a mod)
So anyways welcome to the notessimo forum!

:) two in the same day

nothing great either…kinda of a loop
sooner or later ill get some sheet music

but for now here is something to listen too

meet the smiley band too XD
and the crowd too lol

just lightening the mood i guess with a bit of randomness
here is there song

EDIT: lol that wasnt the song…i guess i was listening to something and the id # was still on there…

well whatever i also had deleted the song to replace it with the 2.0 version of it
so well i guess ill put that to replace i guess someones i accidentally took

well hope u like the real song
whoevers sone was unknown and all that srry (even tho there are millions)

I think your new song should go to the Random Songs thread, kamarai.

Your song was pretty good, but you need to be a bit more creative with the melody. Good start though. Congrats, you’ve earned yourself a Mr. Green → (hlisten)
But wait! You posted your song in an existing thread rather than creating your own! Congratulations!!! Here’s another Mr. Green for you

yay XD

ya i thought about the random thread but i liked techno better

ill probably update it sooo… it might even go in the unfinished

(dont know if that is a good thing though lol)

i dont get mr greens anymore