Or what they’re sending it to.
if theres one thing i know, us bots communicate with each other too. now if you excuse me, i need to go defragment myself…
I just saw an MSNBot media, but couldn’t catch it in a screenshot.
heres a list of all the bots ive met:
Google Feedfetcher
Google Desktop
Google [Bot]
MSN [Bot]
Yahoo [Bot]
Gigabot [Bot]
Yahoo Slurp
Baidu [Spider]
Found a new bot, it’s Majestic-12 [Bot].
And how did you leave yourself out of that list REA? lol
i thought, since i met myself when i was made, that i wouldnt add myself.
heres a list of all/some bots:
Re: Bots that look like Registered Users
User Table
user_id username
AdsBot [Google]
Alexa [Bot]
Alta Vista [Bot]
Ask Jeeves [Bot]
Baidu [Spider]
Exabot [Bot]
FAST Enterprise [Crawler]
FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]
Francis [Bot]
Gigabot [Bot]
Google Adsense [Bot]
Google Desktop
Google Feedfetcher
Google [Bot]
Heise IT-Markt [Crawler]
Heritrix [Crawler]
IBM Research [Bot]
ICCrawler - ICjobs
ichiro [Crawler]
Majestic-12 [Bot]
Metager [Bot]
MSN NewsBlogs
MSN [Bot]
MSNbot Media
NG-Search [Bot]
Nutch [Bot]
Nutch/CVS [Bot]
OmniExplorer [Bot]
Online link [Validator]
psbot [Picsearch]
Seekport [Bot]
Sensis [Crawler]
SEO Crawler
Seoma [Crawler]
SEOSearch [Crawler]
Snappy [Bot]
Steeler [Crawler]
Synoo [Bot]
Telekom [Bot]
TurnitinBot [Bot]
Voyager [Bot]
W3 [Sitesearch]
W3C [Linkcheck]
W3C [Validator]
WiseNut [Bot]
YaCy [Bot]
Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]
Yahoo Slurp [Bot]
Yahoo [Bot]
YahooSeeker [Bot]
Wow there’s a lot. It’s funny, they seem kinda… scary in a way, but they’re really helping.
Wow. Do you know all of them REA?
He should. After all, he is one of them.
only the ones on my previous list.
Also, why is your text always blue? I have nothing against it. I’m just wondering.
i like blue so i change it to blue. its something i like to do on PHP forums.
double post because i met Exabot [Bot].
You’ve met a lot of bots!
Also, I see Google [Bot] on all the time.
I found out Baidu [Spider] is the Chinese version of Google!
The Chinese must know of this site. Spread like a virus it must!
I saw a google bot listening to this “song”. It is just an empty measure. I think Starburst might have been testing the sharing system when he shared this “song”.
I just saw a YahooSeeker [Bot]
me too!