me three!
And it’s here again… fancy name lol
Ask Jeeves bot is online
The google bot was just composing a song!
I typed that on google… Didn’t come up even after I added Notessimo
google only accepts 20 words
List of bots, crawlers etc.
AdsBot, Alexa, Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Baidu, Exabot, FAST Enterprise, FAST WebCrawler, Francis, Gigabot, Google Adsense, Google Desktop, Google Feedfetcher, Google, Heise IT-Markt, Heritrix, IBM Research, ICCrawler - ICjobs, ichiro, Majestic-12, Metager, MSN NewsBlogs, MSN, MSNbot Media, NG-Search, Nutch, Nutch/CVS, OmniExplorer, Online link, psbot, Seekport, Sensis, SEO Crawler, Seoma, SEOSearch, Snappy, Steeler, Synoo, Telekom, TurnitinBot, Voyager, W3, W3C, W3C, WiseNut, YaCy, Yahoo MMCrawler, Yahoo Slurp, Yahoo, YahooSeeker
This shows I have a lot of time on my hands.
I want to know who comes up with these names…
It’s the name of the search engine or the company who owns the search engine.
I knew that…but there’s stuff like Yahoo Slurp…WTF…
Also the bots seem to like to listen to My Title by My Author…
Haven’t seen that before.