The Mixup Game!

Wasting Your Time Like I…?

Gangnam Style!

(Isn’t that cheating?)

Gents’ Anal Gym

To Unholiest

1 Like

Noel hit outs.
Thus hitting the home run that will change your unholy sentence to holy…

Chocolate Skype

We could make this more interesting by picking a word/phrase that we know has a simple anagram. For instance, my “To Unholiest” is an anagram of “The Solution”. This means there’s a challenge and if we find the anagram we get bonus points!

Vsauce said there was a website for this sort of thing. I forgot the name though…


spectacle hooky :)

There’s no point using that site to solve anagrams, only to make ones.

Ok I’ll restart: Mourning Melee

Hint: a type of food

You don’t have to solve it, you can just make up your own anagram!

Merge Menu Lion

Blargzargo Hlaaluington

Blah! A rag ran on Lou Tlzigg


Cryo Man




Calf be kink

One to miss

noses omit

The Final Boss

thin fob seals

Classified Information

if i die, form no LANs at Sic’s

Rotten Tomatoes

testate moon rot.


a wed kipii-- THIS IS HARD.

Carrots are yummy.

My stare, your cram

Police officer

flop rice of ice

merry christmas to all!

Myrrh Ale lists to cram.
