"Too many redirects" upon clicking "Start Discussion" on a song page

Clicking the hyperlink in the above screencap leads to a Chrome FAQ page. I’m on Brave Browser, which deletes cookies within the last hour by default.

This bug doesn’t happen when clicking Continue Discussion on a song page with existing comments.

If users want to start a discussion on a certain song, they’ll have to manually look for it in the Community side of the website, under the Songs category, and add a comment from there (until this is resolved)

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Thank you, will investigate!

I’m able to load comments from songs that don’t have comments just fine. I do get the redirect issue trying to load your recent song that has a blank title. A topic link usually has the song title in the URL, and when using the community site it fills blank topic names as “topic” .../t/topic/###. The url from the main site seems to not correctly fill in the ‘topic’ part of the URL and tries to load .../t//### which redirects to .../t/###. That all being said, for some reason it is still only accessible from the community site. I can’t load a direct link to the topic even if I copy the correct link. https://community.notessimo.net/t/topic/111518


Ohhhhhhh thanks for the investigation, this will help!