This belongs in the Video Game Forums, yo.
I don’t think WSR was good enough to be 1st.
Rock Band is better than Band Hero.
This belongs in Video Games.
1: Halo
2: Fallout 3
3: Assassins Creed 2
4-10: doesnt matter
The only thing this guy has is a wii and DS…
- Modern Warfare 2
- Rock Band 2
- Assassin’s Creed 2
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Team Fortress 2
(Notice a trend there?)
7-10. Don’t really know/care. Those 6 are good enough.
OH! Final Fantasy XIII, not released yet but I’m sure it will be my new #1.
Oh yeah, 10 is X, not V. Haha, my bad. Yes! I meant 13.
After playing it for a few hours… non-stop lol I’m putting Resident Evil 5 in my top 10. I hate the fact that you gotta buy versus mode for $5.