Based off ggfchl’s “best songs topic”
Moved to General.
Oh… m’kay…
In my defense. best ever.
What do you mean by solo?
Well… What, Qualify’s as a solo?
Yes that’s what I’m asking you. You made the topic.
Do you mean a solo composition, as in a song made by one guy, or just a solo riff found in a song?
A solo riff. Like the guitar solo in the song ‘In my Defense.’
^ that would be used as an example, because its one of the best solos on notessimo.
so maybe just like
- –
- –
- –
- –
- (In my Defense)
I still think that’s a bit vague. A riff is just a repeated melody. Solo could mean different things.
A drop in a dubstep song could be considered a solo. The DJ will sometimes even mix all his samples around in the drop (physicaly playing the dubstep drop).
Dont Listen to me. I don
t know what im doing.
I can’t really put in words what a solo means to me
Locking thread. Please know what you’re talking about before posting. Unless it’s a help thread.
God, I was an idiot…