Touhou Final Boss MIDIs

I’ve been collecting final boss midis for a while now, and I want my collection to be complete. I was wondering if anyone wanted to make/find midis for the games I do not have midis to. ONLY FINAL BOSS MIDIS!!


  • = No work needs to be done.
    ^ = Missing. Need midi.
    ’ = Someones working on it.
  • = Needs to sound more like original.

Touhou 1 Iza, Taoreyuku Sono Toki Made*
…Swordsman of a Distant Star^
Touhou 2 Complete Darkness+
Touhou 3 Strawberry Crisis!!+
Touhou 4 Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream+
Touhou 5 Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being*
Touhou 6 Septette for the Dead Princess*
Touhou 7 Border of Life*
Touhou 7.5 Onigashima in the Fairy Land+
Touhou 8 Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess*
…Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon*
Touhou 9 Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years^
Touhou 10 Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field^
Touhou 10.5 Catastrophe in Bhava-Agra ~ Wonderful Heaven+
Touhou 11 Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom+
Touhou 12 Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind*
Touhou 12.3 Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure^
Touhou 12.8 Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars+
Touhou 13 Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator+

This is where you can find the finished versions (or the remixes that need to sound like the original): http://www.mediafire…/#rsbb9emamc5st

If you want to work on a song, tell me in the comments so I can post it up here.

People working on this:

Am I the only one who:

  1. Doesn’t own or know anything about touhou exept for the AMAZING music.

and 2. Doesn’t know how to use MIDI…

  1. Touhou isn’t popular here…
  2. MIDI is waaaaaay less popular than touhou. .mid is different from other music files (except maybe .note). Think of MIDI files like NOTE files. Except more advanced. MIDIs include a bank of 128 instruments that use computer generated sounds. It also includes pitch bend, extreme volume changing, varying tempos, modulation, panning, etc. Most computers can automatically open .mid files with some pre-downloaded software (QuickTime, Windows Media Player, etc), but can’t edit them. For Windows I strongly recommend Anvil Studio for editing midis. For Mac I recommend Aria Maestosa. Also to see midi notes perfectly, use Synthesia (does not edit, just epically views them). You can also change the way instruments sound with Synthesia WITHOUT CHANGING THE FILE. That’s all you really need to use/make midis. And that is also how I make beautiful remixes (because I suck doing it by ear).
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I do 95% of my songs by ear.

  1. Did you view the links?
  1. Is anyone going to sign up or provide me with midis? I need to know so I can put this down. :P

I learned about 5 minuets of MiDi during a music program I did recently.

Whoops! Forgot about Swordsman of a Distant Star for a moment.

Is touhou usually laggy?

Only if you have a really bad computer or laptop. It never lags for me.


You’ll need a midi first :P

I don’t wanna do It…

Anyone who does wanna do this?

I would If I knew a thing or two about touhou, all I know it it has inccredibly catchy music…