Unfinished Songs / Demos

Finish it yourself?

So much hostility in this thread D:

tries to find a MLP quote that would fit

Let’s get back on-topic. Thanks :D

Your signature filled that quota :smiley:

This song seems familiar to one of your other songs, although at this point they are so numerous I couldn’t be bothered to look through them all. And don’t get too hung up on that drum loop, it’s a little lacking in terms of originality.

I’ll try, but I suck at this lol I don’t play guitar, I play the clarinet… Oh welll I’m going to do a different song that I have the tabs for. That will be easier.

tell me what you think about this song, it’d be really helpful. In my opinion I think its lacking transitions(which i’ve tried the hardest to fix but haven’t been able to), most of them are just blank spaces after either 1. a large crescendo into a large and very energetic note/notes. 2. a decrescendo into the next melody (which is where most of the transition problems are) . I also think its very different and weird compared to other notessimo songs, because there are a lot of moments were there are only 1-3 instruments on the screen and there are moments where there are 15 instruments on the screen. But I think most of it fits the theme of the song (title of the song). Furthermore, I’ve also tried fixing sheet 11 but its still weird. Oh and its still unfinished because of those reasons.

I am doing a cover for the song Adonai by Brian Head Welch, this is what I have so far: http://notessimo.net/?id=61442

Here is the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s70SFbVakwk

I’ll add the drums last.

What are you talking about? Sheet 11 is a really good-sounding part (just a little loud).
Sheet 6 should be dead. Kill it. Now.
Instead of making pickups during each sheet, make a pickup during the sheet before it. (Such as instead of 1A-2A-3A-4A, 1B(Blank)-2B(Blank)-3B-4B, have 1A-2A-3B-4B, where the pickup beats are 3B-4B (connecting the measures).
It’s also really random.
It’s also obvious that you didn’t put much time in this. The same lead part is played over and over again.
During the second half of Sheet 3, it sounded like the entire song wanted to speed up, because the lead was SO slow for the drums. I couldn’t help but notice it. (You have drums going sixteenths and lead going quarters and bass going eighths. Not very nice to hear.)

Well, it’s obvious you’re having trouble.
My mine plan of making a cover is usually drumline first, bassline second, then lead last.
Lead is hard to make sound right without backup; therefore, I think you should make the drumline first.

I can do that. That is probably best. I do not have tabs for the bass though, only rhythm and lead.

Mr. Teddy, I actually quite liked the song. It still feels unfinished (which is why it is here), but the song definitely has a nice creepy edge to it that would make it perfect for some horror movie, especially the music-box glockenspiel. The only problems I had were the huge pauses in between sheets, which were obtrusive, the repetition, and I felt the drumming was a bit over-powered in sections. Keep working on it, it has potential.

That was a good song, great ideas.

I finally had an idea worthwhile. Let’s see what you guys think of it.

the bass chords don’t really match with the high instruments to me, it might just be me idk.

yea I used those to mark where I want to create a transition :.

thanks!!.. really needed that information.

probably because I switched melodies to fast instead of staying on it for a while… ill try extending them (except for the second melody of the song [the kalimbas]). If that don’t work then i’ll remove a few and extend the existing ones (while battling repitition).

basically wanted to show you guys what I got done this weekend… because im probably not gonna work on it until next weekend (school )
BTW I liked your song has some great ideas, think the strat needs to be balanced with the metal guitar (since it is the loudest instrument on notessimo)

If I ever find the time I will finish this.



The Drums are WAYYYY too loud.

Maybe its because i use headphones but it sounds fine for me, just a little to much attack on the snare.

Not really.

I really liked this song. Did seem a little short though.

Here is something I’m working on now: The Hey Song! YEAH!

http://notessimo.net/?id=61491 Clearly I’m not done! Tell me what I need to do before I finish.

I dont know in wich key is it… but if you want to join Brass and Guitar try to put they in E[i]b /i