Unknownedified: Space Dreams

Graphics are for fanboys.

A game should not be lost because it isn’t as good looking as some other game, and the same goes for a console. In any case, I’d still rather have a PS3, not just because the internet is free, but also because all of my PS2 games won’t be lost. Blu0ray is a nice add on, and all of the exclusive games that are good are for the PS3. This isn’t because of any real factor, it’s just that most Xbox “Exclusives” are also for the PC, which in my opinion is the best platform for gaming anyway, so there. Sure, I was convinced for some time that Xbox Live was so much better that it would be worth the low price of $50 a year, but now I’m not so sure.


turns on 360
sits on couch
invites 3 friends over and has them bring 3 controllers

Wow, I never thought about how incredibly better it is to play games on a couch, now that I do, I think that Consoles are so much better!

You know, I don’t own any real games for the computer, it’s just that the Xbox can’t claim to have exclusives when they all are also on the computer. Also, as this started out, You can’t combine all of us in one big clan if half of us bought the Xbox and the other half bought the PS3, so the computer is the only way that would work.

We could go quakelive… but nobody would like it…

You know, if this is going to continue then you should carry it out into the Talk about stuff thread.
Because this is MY thread. So just sit there and wait for a song. I don’t need the next 49 pages about consoles and games.

[anger]No, its starbursts thread, because its his site. And I can’t get mad?[/anger]
I still say Final call is better, but I’m a offically a loner becuase everybody else voted for

You know what, I don’t understand how Give It Away was so good. I don’t hear it.

Because it’s your one song that actually sticks out. I mean, it was different from you but it was still you. And we’ve still yet to hear anything similar to it in anyway (not just from you, but ALL of notessimo). Lets be honest here, if all of notessimo were to decide on one song to share with the rest of the world representing us as a whole, we’d choose give it away since it’s probably more likely to make it in the real world then most songs. It was a refreshing change and to be honest I was hoping you were going to compose more songs like give it away and you never did.

That’s why.

The melody.

Note: I have just made a YouTube account today.
The activation code is still pending but YAY!
Anyways. Unknowned was taken so I added the -icus at the end.
It’s Unknownedicus. Give me a big, warm welcome if you want.

I’m gonna send you a friend request on youtube… k? I mean, you’re probably going to want me to do a bunch of stuff with you 24/7, and when I don’t agree with you, you’d probably get angry and remove me, but whatev.

What are you waiting for? New Years(I laugh at myself!)? Send me a YOUTUBE freind request.

Here’s my channel. Enjoy!

Same thing. Unknowned is always taken sadly.

I sent friend invite to Youtube. Ill subscribe If you subscribe me first

Okay. What’s your account name?
Never mind. I found it!

Wow, you actually subscribed to me! I wasn’t expecting that

Well, you know what they say:

Ok, Ill head over to subscribe to you.

EDIT: So, am I subscribed?

Yes, and you deserve a walrus.

The walrus crushed me! Oh no!


Making a new song.
You know, the majority of times I say this, the song usually never comes out finished.
Screw that. I’m going to see if I can get the other old ones done after this new one.