Video Game Reviews

Is there much of a difference between Silver and Gold besides the legendaries you can get at what levels (Lugia and Ho-Oh)

Yes. Silver is much better IMO
-The available Pokemon in the games.
—Silver has Phanpy/Donphan and Gold has Teddiursa/Ursaring (it’s switched in the Japanese versions, and I know there’s more but those are the ones I know off the top of my head)

Other than that, they are the same (maps, soundtrack, actual gameplay, etc)

but gold has arcanine, but silver has skarmory. past that, i really dont give a flying crap.

Silver was my first Pokemon game, which is why I praise it so much.

me too.

Yes, that’s the way to go.

My first OWNED Pokemon game was Gold. I say owned because I had blue before because I had a friend who had like all the originals and he let me have his (man i never realized how lucky i was at the time), but yeah. I loved gold more, mainly because I bought it with my own money and therefore got a better feeling of accomplishment. I also had crystal, which was fairly cool, but i liked gold more. IMO Gold is better, but i’ve never played Silver so I can’t be totally sure. I always thought that of the two Legendary pokemon in gold and silver, Ho-oh was the better, just because if you wanted a GOOD psychic type you’d get either alakazam or mewtwo. That shows now, because before HG/SS came out, if you ever went to the GTS in D/P, if you looked at what everyone wanted, it was Ho-oh.


What would that be?

Well I own all Pokémon games. (geddit?)

No-one understands you, no matter how hard you try…

I got it.

Yes. I got it too.

People who understood me = 2
People who did but didn’t want to admit my pun was puntastic (no pun intended) = 1

Your “puns” aren’t “puntastic”, they’re just … uh … weird.

Weirdly puntastic?


So their normally puntastic. Good.

Anyway I’m just gonna stop talking now.

Baaaaack on topic.

I recently downloaded Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for my iPod, I think it’s just a port from the GBA game… but anyways. It’s a pretty great game, I didn’t think it would be exciting at first (Oh I’m a lawyer, I get to sit in a boring courtroom and prove people innocent/guilty, yay), but I was wrong, it’s actually pretty interesting, cheesy dialogue and all. And of course, I’m into the whole CSI/murder mystery genre, especially with books and TV shows, so I guess that’s why this game appealed to me like this.

So yeah, if you’re into that sort of thing, get it, or download the GBA one with an emulator. :roll:

I thought it was for DS…

Was it? Oh… well, ok then… DS then! Not GBA.


should I get it?

EDIT: Crap, its for both!