As always Sbaitso, great work. I really admire your songs in the Mega Man thread too. Goes into fanboy hyperventilation Hoo-Hee-Hoo-HeeHOOHEEHOOOHEEEEEEEEEEEEE Passes out (I downloaded Dr. Sbaitso the other day. Now I never want to see a psychiatrist, because I think they’ll al act like him.)
Why, yes, indeed. The original 6 NES games, as well as the first couple MegaMan X games are my favorite games of all time. ^^ And, at some point I will do Gravity Man’s Stage, continuing my long-delayed remixing of 5’s robot master themes. However, first, I intend to complete my most ambitious remix yet. If you enjoy a certain British metal band with a falsetto singer, you will be in for a pleasant surprise.
YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF MEGAMAN!!?!?!?!? Goes on a berzerk rampage, killing Kamarai in the process
P.S. Sbaitso, could you do some of the music from 9? It’s great.