What instrument(s) do you play?

Post of the year.

Oftentimes, ideas get lost in translation. The recent translation which the board is currently discussing, however, is one of those rare times were ideas are added during the translation … along with absurd and satirical amounts of confusing verbosity. I would respectfully remove my headwear in response to DarkChameleon’s humorous utilization of the English language, were I wearing any aforementioned headwear.

Hell yeah, Drums ftw.

I think you should speak whit him to know why is he spamming

He’s spamming because he’s eight,

It isn’t the reason…

Or maybe he’s trying to express his affection for Sonic-related items by spamming ridiculous messages, which are secretly subliminal messages to get us to buy more Sega products.

Nice try FBBH, nice try…

Maybe he’s a next-generation spambot.

I think we must teach him why he need to NO post UNNECESSARY posts, and no taunt, fall down,… him

I don’t think he visits this site anymore.

We’re 22 posts away from his last post in this topic.

Exactly…and why didn’t any mods warn him if its such a big deal? (i only saw him do it maybe 2 or 3 times…but if it happened alot more then you should at least warn/temp ban him)

ANYWAY, What instrument(s) do you play?

I actually saw a guy busking once…with a drum kit made out of like…barrels and tins etc…it was awesome :mrgreen:

We did warn him … 4 times, plus me and Fire pm’d him, and someone might’ve temp banned him.

Oh yeah, I er…play the tin whistle.

2 people banned him!

yeah i do

i heard that…

wat now? are you gonna kill me? fine.

Sorry, but I banned you for a while.

Are you kiddin’ us?

It wont be good for you

I really need to start paying more attention to topics other than just the songs one.

I really need to start paying more attention to song topics other than just the other ones.

Well that is a much smaller amount of posts.