What instrument(s) do you play?

I play the piano, a little clarinet (Just started.), guitar, and percussion. I think that it’s pretty good to be well versed in music. At the very least it’s a nice hobby.

I play drums, and I’m trying to learn bass guitar.

I also dabble in writing lyrics, but I don’t sing.

That’s a lot. Music is a nice hobby!

I play piano and the tuba (guess which one I hate… seriously, take a guess)

The piano.

Tubas are simply beautiful you bbw.

I play the keyboard, percussion, and the cell phone.

The piano? I like tubas because they sound kinda like tuna.

El contrabajo se la banca mejor que la tuba :P

And i dont like the tuba as i like the bass :D

I hate playing the tuba, and love playing the piano, but I love listening to both. That satisfy everyone? haha.

Octo loves his tubas.

I was close!

I actually play a little xylophone. And a practice pad. :D

You practice …what?

No a practice pad. It’s like a snare drum except it just makes a “tap” sound. It’s a lot smaller too. And it’s not loud. At all.

Me and two other friends are in the same class and we just play summer practices to get a feel for band.

I play teh fuckin drums and teh guitar (and occasionally bass)

To be honest, i can’t really play anything, i guess im a better composer than i am musician

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Anyone can put notes randomly in the game, and anyone can play random notes in any instrument ;)

so… tell to us what do (did) you play :D

(we) wanna know new musicians :)

well i guess if it mean sucking but knowing the instament i guess i can play piano and guitar, thx for the encouragement

Thats cool :) and dont be shy, everybody suck

I play drums and guitar. Music is my pasion

Drums, Of course, I’ve been playing 9 years now. (WOO!)