What instrument(s) do you play?

Yeah. this one is actually hard, well when u do it on piano it is , I can do TTFAF, u were right it is just entertainning

I have been playing trumpet for four years now and just this year i started piano. Epic

I play TUBA! Yes! Hahahaha

I play the pen.

And the keyboard.

Itā€™s been atleast 3 months since i posted on this forum lol.

Update on the instruments I play and the songs I can play.
Guitar - Gibson Epiphone Les Paul - Cherry Sunburst
Songs Playable:
Memory - Sugarcult
Memory (Acoustic) - Tim Pagnotta
Move Along - AAR
Dirty Little Secret - AAR
Dance Dance - Fall Out Boy
The Kill - 30STM
The Reason - Hoobastank
American Idiot - Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
Drums - Yamaha ā€œSee-Throughā€ Pearl
Memory - Sugarcult
Still Waiting - Sum 41
(hlisten) Iā€™d love to post some vids lol

I play Drumsā€¦ But then I moved and my other school had too many drum players, so I couldnā€™t play drums anymoreā€¦ I had been playing drums for about 2 or 3 years though!

sounds pretty cool that your making a movie. its kind of ironic because me and my friends are making a video game and they put me in charge of composing.

I play Piano, Cello, i play guitar sometimes too along with Drums. Those are the instruments I use commonly.

I play drums! I want to play guitar, butā€¦I donā€™t want private lessons, cuz then I canā€™t play music in a band, but my schools band doesnā€™t have guitarā€¦Any Ideas?

Teach yourself. Joe Satriani did and he is amazing. He started at 14 too.

GOD DAMNIT! Iā€™m 12 Years old! I have an acoustic!(less cool than an electric) Plusā€¦I donā€™t care about Joe Satrianiā€¦Everything I ask, itā€™s always Joe Satriani this Joe Satriani that! Plus If I teach Myself I still canā€™t play music in a band

Thatā€™s what I do

I lost all my respect of you just now.

What makes you say that? I teach myself and Iā€™m (almost) a part of a band!

  1. You said almostā€¦Plus I meant in a big school band

  2. I was making a dramatic moment, I like Joe Satrianā€™s Music!

Oh you meant school, I thought you meant a real band lol

HELL NO! I canā€™t pay for the instruments or anything anyway, plus none of my friends can play instruments except the school instrumentsā€¦well one of them can play guitarā€¦Horribly anyway.

I donā€™t like school bands because they donā€™t have cool songs like Instrumental Rock songs (Joe Satriani, Buckethead) or ye olde 80s Metal (Iron Maiden, Metallica). It canā€™t hurt to use distortion every once in a while!

My band plays a song called Legends of Rock, it has 3 - 4 good rock songs in it, played with usual concert band instruments (flute, sax, etc.). The songs are Paranoid, Barracudaā€¦ and I forget the other two. Itā€™s pretty awesome though Especially since I play bass
But Iā€™m gonna try convincing my teacher to get some awesome-tastic rock music this year, since itā€™s my last

Distortion + Mozart = LOL

Hmm. I guessing the other 2 songs are from Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock also.
Bass is probably the closest youā€™ll get to guitar in a school band, from what Iā€™ve seen in my schoolā€™s band.

The High School Band Here Acctually plays some good songs! and the chorus! The Chorus sang some rock and countryā€¦Rascall Flattsā€¦and the band has played One Final Effort and The Halo Theme!