What is Your Favorite/Lucky #?

3, 7, 11, 13, and 9.
I’m uber-lucky! Except for some reason in a game of Snakes and Ladders.

I get lucky every now and again, usually in small doses.

I’ll be damned before I can make educated guesses on Tests and pass, though.

I can usually get pretty lucky in yahtzee…

one time I got a Yahtzee on the first roll with all ones!

I used to have a handheld version of Yahtzee. Only got a yahtzee about…seven times.

kill me

hmmm reminds me of 5,012…

Hey Spacepixel, 3 is in the time you joined notessimo!

I don’t have a lucky#, because I dont’ know what lucky#'s are for…You just have a number…I have a lucky item…Ever since I was 8(I’m 13 now) I bought a silver bracelet at the fair, and ever since I bought that bracelet I’ve been lucky at all the games at the fair ever since… good times, good times…


13 and 42. I was born on Friday the 13th, so that’s explained, and guess why 42.

5- no reason

Did you know that the gene for five fingers is recessive? The dominant gene codes for six.


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Nope. We need to make an interesting fact thread!



its weird…
I like the #17 and I don’t know why…




  1. It’s everywhere in my life. It’s weird.