WhiteFang's Pups: New Cover: Follow the Golden Sun

Yeah, it’s hard, and if not a little too diligent, to fix that problem, considering violins and other string instruments, exluding amplified ones, have a tendency to fall into the background while playing with other instruments, such as a trumpet or a piano. I’ll fix that problem in the future, but I’m a little lazy today.
Now, I was also wondering if you guys would do a major collab with me, mostly because I know that a lot of you here, for lack of better terms, kick ass in notessimo, and I think, and I’m mostly talking to you, Fish, if we were to combine our efforts, then the end result could be something worth the title of EPIC WIN. This may be something to post in the collabs thread, but I want to collab with people who already understand my style, even if I don’t fully recognize it myself. I’m beggining to think I have a certain fondness of a key in F#, talking in major scales, here, to the point that I use it in almost all my songs.
But that’s beside the point.

Anyway, I think that everyone who has posted in this thread should cooperate to make an epic work of art that will satisfy anyone on this site that may hear it.

HOLY $#!% my genius is showing!

Id love to do a collab, seeing as the ones i was working with wont respoond (hlisten)

Awesome! Well, the first part of a collab is to determine what kind of song we want to do. Think of a genre most people don’t think of. Something like an orcheastral rock, or like Sarah Brightman, like maybe Fleurs Du Mal(The flowers of evil in English). Look that up on youtube if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Although I’ve never participated in a collab., I think I won’t do well with one. You were talking about keys and scales, and I have absolutely no clue what any of them are (except for the A Minor scale, there’s no sharps or flats to worry about (hlisten))

Now, when I said key, I just meant I don’t use just regular F’s, I make them sharp to fit my music, that’s all.
It isn’t as hard as a lot of people think. If I were to make a song in which all the E’s were flat, for example, I would call that a key signature. It means to play a particular note always flat or always sharp, unless directed otherwise.
If we were to do a collab with you, fish, I’m sure you’d do a great job. I know you write mostly by ear, and so do I, even if I can read music. I usually make original songs, so it doesn’t matter what key it’s in or whatever. I was only talking about scales and crap because I think I use it a little too much.

Fish, you would be perfectly fine.

well I know major scales, the combination for every major scale is WWHWWWH (W=whole H=half, steps of course, google it :mrgreen: ) How about Airman Ga Taosenai, I know its a song ABOUT a video game, but its extremely catchy, this is also on YT. If you have an account, send me an invite! my name is DarkDan12000. Ill check the flower one too. (hlisten)

Harmonic theory, meet music theory.

Hypo, that’s Brilliant. This would help a lot of people in notessimo. If they learned the scales, they could make better music. You should make this a thread!


Its name?

Fleurs Du Mal!!!
Head to the first page to check it out!

Now, about the collab, I’ll take a look at those songs. I’ll tell you if I like them.


and the curse of SP is very weird…
ok and hopefully that is the end of that for now (hlisten)

Fang, I’d listen to your cover, but I’ve encountered some problems…

  1. I hadn’t heard that song before.
  2. I tried, but for some reason it was unbearably laggy, so I stopped.

I have a few suggestions, then.
1.) Look it up on youtube real quick
2.) When you open it in a new window, press play and then minimize so it doesn’t lag.

It should be fine, then. For some reason Notessimo is becoming quite laggy, most likely because we have to open it in a new window right now. Hopefully that gets fixed soon.

I have some things to say about your suggestions…

  1. I’m not allowed to go on YouTube
  2. Why didn’t I think of that before?!?!?!

Some things to say about the things you said about my suggestions:

1.) Aww, that sucks.
2.) I don’t know, I just tried it one day and it worked.
3.)If you need an idea of what the song is about, here are some lyrics from the first verse:
“Is it you I keep thinking of?
Should I feel like I do?
I’ve come to know that I miss your love,
While I’m not missing you”

All of Sarah Brightman’s songs have some mushy parts, like this one, but usually they are kinda Goth-rockish.
One of them that aren’t is called Symphony, and it’s still pretty good.
Maybe you should google the song and find it on a site other than youtube. Hearing the song really helps.

Anyway, I just thought of something.

There is a hidden message in my sig. First to find it gets 100000000 brownie points!

You’re a werewolf! (hlisten)

I saw the werewolf thing a while ago. It’d be harder if you made it the color of the site (black)

xylophone solo

I didn’t want to make it invisible, but anyway, 100000000 brownie points to all of you! Hooray! Now that you haerd this, let it be an easter egg for people who visit the thread. What happens in the thread, stays in the thread.

BTW, Maybe I should make it a different language, and let them translate it. Like in japanese or something.

Great idea (hlisten)

No, really, this thread is way behind.
In fact, why don’t we all put links to eachothers thread in our sigs!
We could be the first Notessimo Clan or group or guild or whatever!
That wasn’t very specific, but we should still consider it. We’d Colab a lot, we could think of other things to do, and we could have a lot of fun and make some AWESOME pieces.
So what do you think? You in, guys?