Why Walruses are Sociologically Superior to Humans

The Walrus returns. I am sorry for my absence. I hope that you humans were able to cope and knew what to do without my guidance. Nevertheless, I am back and will be until Winter returns. I don’t enjoy going outside during the warm times, which is why I am sitting inside in my cold house on this machine talking to humans. It is cold in here.


c: Thank you for coming back Walrus. I hope everything is ok for you.

Alright now im just getting offended by this thread. You make humans look like mindless catle when they actualy made some amazing breakthroughs and achivements. We never went to walruses to ask for aid and despite the bitching most humans preform, we were able to cope and spread to every environment on planet earth. Stop puting down other poeple that are not like you, thats bullying.

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The Walrus is not a walrus but just pretending to be one.

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YES! take that walrus Takeshisfishawayrunsandhides

No, I wasn’t being unsupportive of Walrus, I was just explaining to Yellowtail why there was no need to be offended.

Also Walrus, you should post more pics <3

PFffftftfhah. More like anti-social. .˛.

I know that he is not a walrus. I am just possesing a open mind in this situation and treating him the way he wants to be treated. If he wants to be a walrus then I will treat him like he is a walrus.

:o, how could you say such a thing! Walruses are a gentle and kind specie of this planet who should never deserve to be discriminated in such a way. In fact there is reason to believe that the only reason walruses aren’t one of the dominant species on this planet is because they aren’t nearly as selfish as humans are. just look outside, 10,000 years go you would have seen all of nature at its fullest, but I bet that you now see buildings, or if your on a farm rows and rows of unnatural controlled crops, and if you live in the desert then your a crazy b@$!&*#d, and if you live somewhere like Siberia Russia then your still crazy. Anyways, You should take into consideration how lucky we have it and keep your nose out of others businesses. I fully support walrus rights as a teddy bear.

ITT: Walruses and teddy bears.

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Im not trying to put down the walrus species. Everyone makes me look stupid! =`C

wait, specie is a word? I always thought that it was only species.

Stop being walrist! Walrusses are awesome.

Wow… lol

Trolling? I said im not being mean to him.

You’re not trolling him, he’s trolling you.
I do believed you have been Trick Trolled.

The Walrus is still on his fishing expedition, it looks like. Though, in his last status update thing, he said he’d be back this week or sometime. Still need to go buy some fish for him when he returns.

I wonder what his favourite fish is.

That’s what I was wondering. I need to do some research.

I saw some walrus hentai that Sonfax sent me.
