Zelda fans unite!!!

Wrong notes and it’s not finished.

It’s Termina Field (piano version) from Majora’s Mask!

I didnt use sheet, nor will I ever.

They do it all by ear…didnt you know…

They probably all cut their left one like hypo too…

P.S. if your wondering why the hell i said that go to the RPG forum…you’ll find it somewhere


Hey guys, this is Illia’s Theme from Twilight Princess, a mildly remixed version (rock) I think it sounds cooler the faster you play it, so play around with it! Enjoy! (rock)

I made my own version of the Gerudo Valley Theme(With like 2 mistakes,Like on 4 to 6, it goes on a few measures with nothing, even though i said no mess-ups ), i didn’t find this forum this until after i made mine, here is mine:


Lol i know it sucks
lol i was making the SoS and frogot to change teh name

I Finished the ORIGINAL Legend of Zelda Theme from the game for the NES

Just a short little something.

Man, I love that mask.

I am probably now convinced that you are the best at making LoZ covers.
Great job!

mind if I try to throw hyrule field from TP to try and change your mind?

I was told to post this here; its the Castle Courtyard theme. ?id=42085

OMG OMG OMG I made a Zelda song! It’s much better than the one we have featured. It even has OCARINAS!
EDIT: It has real triplets too!

It sounds a bit too slow to me. I’d knock the tempo up to around 400 and you’d be set.

I agree great otherwise

Thanks guys!

I have re-uploaded (not logged in, as to avoid the song bieng on my profile) your song at 400 bpm. re-share it when your logged in!

Let me just say something before you re-post the song, Muse. The bass for sheet 18 alone needs to be moved, do that before you re-post it.

I think its the treble, I delete the treble and the bass sounds fine.

Sorry gs, I already did it yesterday. Here it is, although maybe bar 18 might still sound wrong. I don’t know Star what you mean by “move”.