A Day in the Life of StarWars

Eat that.

I will. How do you get baptized?

You…never mind I don’t want to start another religious war. I just never expected that anyone could get converted through the internet, I got a pretty awesome feeling reading that PM.


First of all, thank-you for this (extra) knowledge of Mormonism,
Second, i feel sorry for how you and some people are treated about their religions, really it is their own choice and it shouldn’t be a matter of peer pressure or being forced to believe in something (or discouraged to believe in something). I am one that does not yet have a religion, as i am still quite unsure (theres so many oO), i respect others’ decisions as it is their life. (as it is, quite alot of the Mormon qualities (such as being a good person etc.) seemed to relate to me) Anyway…When i started reading this thread, i was quite intrigued (yes i read all 19 pages (took like an hour XD)) you seem to have what i see as an interesting life, mine however is boring and lonely (which is why i would prefer to be home-schooled rather than in a public school (other than the fact that i would get distracted)). We also seem to have similar interests as well

-Lego’s for me have also been one of my favorites (as well as K’nex etc.) as i thoroughly enjoyed building things…(simply put lol)
-I also wish to be in the gaming industry, (as i have always played video games and it just happens to pay well) maybe as an artist or programmer however.
-Nice car =P

(So basically I just summarized my comments for if i was involved in this whole thread (minus the spam/trolling/whatever))

Overall, i think your life is quite interesting and unique. My respect in you has also increased dramatically (not saying i didn’t respect you before) for opening up and discussing what you truly believe =) (and personally, i wish i had a life like yours…)

Sorry if this may have been off-topic…(even though it was a mix of all the subjects of this thread)

Yeah, for me…i don’t really fit in well (i get bullied/excluded alot ) so i’d go with home-schooling

Dude, that sucks. Maybe you should move where I live, there is no bullying at our school at all ( at least none that I see (so there probably is some), and I should be a very big target for it).

Yeah…it sucks…
So anything else interesting about your life star? :3

Well this past semester has sucked. Not because I’ve been doing bad (Straight As in everything I turned in), but because about half-way in my school was like “OMG you won’t have enough credits for college” and I was like “WTF you told me I would at the start of the year!” and then they assigned me four new full semester classes and expected me to catch up somehow…

So now I probably won’t be graduating on time. Can’t believe it, I know it’s going to be impossible to get into the college I want to now. On top of that, I am serving a mission once I turn 19, so even if I make the winter semester next year I’ll only go for one semester. (just as a reference, my 18th birthday is this August, the 29th to be exact).

Ah no matter. Our business is really taking off, we’ve nearly got a center done. I’ll be working for cash over the summer, making a heck of a lot more than any fast-food joint would give me. Plus, once I do come of age and get through college, I will be calling the shots (at least when may parents retire, which should be soon. My dad’s over 50 now, and while he doesn’t show it, I know his health is starting to decline. I worry about him sometimes…).

Gah, it’s amazing how close I am to my parent’s life. Already I can think of getting through college, marriage and kids and wow. I can taste the freedom.

Mormon Missionary trip? My friends brother went on that a few years ago. My fiend will be going on it in 3 years, I think…

I know this is a typo, but it still made me lol.
