A Day in the Life of StarWars

But you’d have ideas for games, then send them to the lower people to make them for you? You’d think your money would get drained that way, because you’d have too many people you’d have to pay.

Yep, you’d think when you create mario, zelda, donkey kong, Starfox, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Nintendogs, F-Zero, and Tutored The creator of Pokemon about how to make it, you would have to worry, but…

It prints money!

Link didn’t work.

I have no further questions.

Ah how much I love good classic things. Including movies. Including ones with music by John Williams. And with dinosaurs in them.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, I watched Jurrasic Park last night for the first time in like 8-9 years. Normally I wouldn’t post that kind of thing because it’s rather boring, but I died laughing at this part:
I’d heard of it before and didn’t even guess it was in such a great movie as this one.

A day in the life of StarWars hmmm… Well I happen to be best friends with starwarsXD and I have to say he is really cool and stuff.

You HAVE to? Is he putting you up to this?

No I didn’t put him up to that. Although I did once make him vote for one of my songs :twisted:

Anyway it’s ten days away from my birthday! Can’t wait for that.

In other news, this week has been great. Although my homeschooling officially started, the first week is incredibly easy to coax new people in. Since this is my second year with this school, it’s been a breeze. The Thursday before, I had a friend sleep-over, and it was mildly fun. Mind you, I don’t have an Xbox or Playstation 3, and it was raining…so the highlight was that we could all be playing simultaneously on my three desktops. That was one heck of a game party.

On Friday, my friend left @ around 10:00, only to be re-united with us at 5:30 or so. The reason is that we and about 40 other peers were going on a tubing trip down a river (class 1-2 rapids :twisted: ), and we invited him to come with us. Tubing down the river was incredibly fun, and since we didn’t have to worry about paddling, it was also quite relaxing. We were up in the mountains of North Carolina in the Cherokee Reservation (they have a huge casino there…). So it was about an hour or two away, and we got back at 12:30.

This week has been a true highlight. Our parents have gone to Florida for training (wink, wink) on that Lego business I told you guys about. And they also sent my youngest two brothers to stay with their cousins. So basically I and my brother have the house to ourselves, and all we have to do is keep the place ship-shape. Yeah, it’s been a good one. They even decided to stock us up on food that we don’t normally get. That means Bacon, Bacon, BACON!!! Best meat known to man-kind.

Well I’ve had a good summer as well as a nice ending to it. Hope you guys did too!

If you are homeschooled… You don’t get to go on field trips with friends?

School Field Trips suck anyway. lol

I swear… if you make a bacon machine gun…

Holy shit, that’d be awesome.

They have an AK-47 made of bacon XD

I do get to go on field trips with fellow classmates, and quite often actually. Most of the time it’s okay.

Homeschool’s have classmates? OMG

Okay apparently you people think I am homeschooled by my mom or something. No insult to the people that are, but I am enrolled in an online course, which is WAY better than any school I’ve ever attended. No offense to the other people in pub schools, I only homeschool because the schooling system in SC is seriously flawed. If I was in NC instead, I would be in a regular school. Seeing as I’m not though, I have to make do with what I have.

So yeah there are about 300 other students in each of my classes (and that’s just for seniors :twisted: ), and one teacher per course (I have no idea how they keep up with teacher-scored assignments, especially my English teacher). Instead of a classroom, we have these chat-rooms (but WAY more functional than that) that everyone goes to. And they arrange these huge get-togethers that they call field trips where we all do something fun for the afternoon. We still have to complete our day’s assignments for that day, but usually the teachers will coordinate so that that particular day has much less work than usual.

Now, they don’t really have a high budget, so usually a field trip entails going to a movie or going to a baseball game. The only educational field trip I went on all year was a tour through the BMW plant here in South Carolina. And they hosted it twice, once per semester, so that if you missed the first one, you would have a second chance.

I like my homeschool even though I really don’t like how unforgiving the computer-scored tests are.

Wow, online school. Want.

Hahaha, if I did that… I’d be screwed for the rest of mah life.

I like public school… That way, I can annoy teachers, and see the fun of other kids annoying the teachers.

Oh yeah, cuz that’s why public schools are better. -.-
I prefer public schools because I can actually interact with people and meet new friends and all that boring social crap lol.

I thought you said you had enough friends?

Can someone post that maximum trolling pic I lost it.

Yeah… I’m just gonna leave that one alone.

Yep starwars held me down and forced me to vote for his song, it was HORRIBLE!!! Just kidding I was next door neighbors with Star for a long time and we became great friends. (He can be a little wierd though