A Day in the Life of StarWars

Hmm…probably my two favorite genres, FPS and RTS. I’d also probably seek out a contract at one point to make a Star Wars related game, maybe in conjunction with LucasArts. Of course there are tons of ways I could branch off with it.

Seriously… I’d love to join that… Please… Start… IMMEDIATELY!

Start making flash… Then move on.

Do you know any scripting?

Do you believe stuff about “fate”? Like the greek gods. If the gods were angry then you’d probably die or something.

What are your views on euthanasia?

What’s that?

Euthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering.

Ah spammers gonna spam. BANNED FOR THREE DAYS EACH.





Anyway, Starwars, exactly how strict are you towards your religion?

are you banning them for asking a bunch of questions or did you delete a bunch of posts?

Ah three days without Muse or Slip. It’s gonna be quiet around here.

@guitarskills: Well I didn’t delete any posts, so you guys can see it’s justified. And a bunch of questions = spam imo. If I can’t keep up with the number of questions being asked, it’s too much.

@Octo: That depends on your point of view. Sure, most of us don’t even play M-rated video games and watch R-rated movies, but there are some who do anyway. I’m not going to claim that other people in my religion have as high values as I do, but as a rough guide I would say most of the time our values are well above the norm for other people. In any case, I don’t consider it to be too strict, because in reality it’s just a way of life. You can’t miss that which you’ve never had. But other than high-standards, we really aren’t too different from other teenagers that have high-values. I mean, there are still some that don’t approve of swearing and they aren’t just Mormons. And their are Mormons that I have met who cuss like sailors. They aren’t too common, I’ve only met 2. But they are there.

Ive been keeping my swearing under control, I only use it in a case of an injury (that hurts enough), something i’m doing at the moment goes stupidly wrong, or if “darn” doesn’t cut it in a humorous situation.

I don’t really look on people who swear as bad people, only the people that excessively do it for no good reason. Nice to know that you try to do it in moderation. It’s probably a better goal than total zealotry like me. Good luck!

1.) I’m back!

2.) No more spamming, I hope.

3.) Why’d you un-ban me?

4.) If you had your own Video Game company, What would it be called?

Well… I knew you’d un-ban me, but I thought since Muse was better that he could finish a song faster.

And… If you wanted a video game company, What college do you plan on going to, so you can learn about making them?

Oh well I plan on going to BYU. To own a video game company, you don’t need that much know-how as far as making the games, you hire people for that. But I wouldn’t try that until after I got some other type of basic revenue, probably from real estate.

Is BYU a full gaming college or does it have other stuff, too? :twisted:

Lol BYU is one of the most prestigious colleges in the country… more like Harvard than a college that specializes in something. And I wouldn’t take anything electronic as a Major. I would probably take something that deals heavily with money like Accounting or something like that. Remember: I’d like to be an entrepreneur. Sure I’d oversee the making of my games, but I wouldn’t actually do them myself.