A Day in the Life of StarWars

That basically made no sense as "ehem"ing is the same thing as coughing.

No, Coughing is “Coughing”. Ehem is “Clearing your throat”.

So if you ehem to clear your throat then what does coughing achieve?

Coughing… Well… Is just for the fun of it.

Now, if you please, get back on Topic.

Yes, we really should. Sorry Star.

He was right from the start… This thread is gonna go downhill fast.

Anyways… Why were you that insulting?

I was? I’m sorry Slip too. :twisted:

Not you. In the Giant story Star told. He said he was insulting… But I didn’t get it. :twisted:

Now guys I’m sorry I posted such a long post, but I take my religion VERY seriously, that’s why I hate cussing and drugs so much. I also don’t play M-rated games or watch R-rated movies, and I won’t ever have sex before I am married.

I said that my post to that forum may have come off as insulting, because I was making a lot of points about racism. I wasn’t intending it at all.

You were stating points about it, Not saying stuff like “You’re black, so i can’t hang out with you”. How is that insulting?

So is Mormonism a branch of Christianity or Judaism or something or is it something different? Also do you use any parts of the Bible?

:twisted: GASP StarWars double posted!

He actually triple posted.

:twisted: E-GAG! Even worse.

I remember the time when Sandal triple posted. shudders

Mormon sounds like a kind of monkey.

I think it would be a good name for an ant-eater, if it hadn’t already been taken.

Star… I swear… If you don’t do something about the spam, I will. And also, I believe that he said they are a branch of Christianity or something.