A Day in the Life of StarWars

Spam? What spam? We’re talking about that Mormon thingy.

There are so many branches of Christianity these days.

Ok, I’m done spamming…

But how can I put the questions I have in a form that Star will understand… I’m not calling him stupid… He’s smarter than me, but I would ask them funny and he won’t understand them.

English preferably.

Well I was contradicting his points and he was a black person, so it may have seemed insulting in the fact that i disagreed with him, but you’re right, it wasn’t insulting. I simply said it might have come off as insulting, which it didn’t.

It’s my thread, plus you guys have already begun spamming it with pretty unnecessary posts already. Plus i bet you guys didn’t even see my response to GS on page 3, at least he could ask actual questions that are on-topic. Srsly guys this is as bad as the idiots on Youtube going “First” and “Why is the quality do bad,” and the worst part is you don’t even care! I hope you guys are happy with yourselves.

Now, I could go on and rant for a long time, but I doubt it would be to any avail, so why bother? Every time i post a story I will come back in three hours to find three new pages of posts that have nothing to do with my post AT ALL. Don’t test me, my finger is hovering over that Ban button. And it won’t be for one day either, it will be for a week. I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANOTHER OFF-TOPIC POST IN MY THREAD AGAIN, POST SOMETHING MEANINGFUL OR GTFO!!!



I actually read that… If you tell Muse to get out, then hopefully I could stop spamming…

And, I didn’t know he was a black person. Wait, but… What did you disagree with him on?

The topic for the essay was the definition of Slavery, and he said slavery is when African-Americans were forced by whites to do work for them, and also a child doing his chores is like slavery, and school and that it was so racist and stuff. I opposed him without insulting him, but i thought it might come off as insulting…there. If that doesn’t explain it to you, I don’t know what will.

Why did God choose whites to be better than black back than in the first place?

D: I am so very sorry, I’ll stop spamming immediately. Please forgive me! I promise I won’t do another off-topic post in this thread (except this one).

Dude… that sounds so racist it’s not even funny.

Also, star, it’s narrow minded people like that guy that will ruin the world.

You talking to me or Star?

Wait your teacher said that chores and school is racism?

No, He said that “The black kid”(No intention to be racist, but I don’t know his name) said that, and the teacher saw the post.

Ah ok. I didn’t really read Star’s first post carefully enough. :twisted:

He didn’t…God would never do that. I can’t really tell you why we held that belief because I never lived in that era, but we admit it was wrong, but at the same time, it was no more wrong than what the people stood for.


Of course it was! Total agreement on both points.


I knew this thread was going to be a religion troll fest from the start. After reading all 6 pages, I think I was right.


Read it



Humanity developed independently from God. Rome however was the first hugely successful and civilized society, due to its area, thus influencing the surrounding areas. Africans, Aborigines, Native Americans, and other societies were not connected to this and the Renaissance era’s, thus did not develop with the changing world. As Europeans made connections with other less advanced societies they tried to make them more advanced, but also tried to control them. (Skip a couple hundred years) Now, however, every race that lives in a modern society has the same change (If no racism is involved) to be successful and better then one another.

Fine ban me then.

Took me forever to find your reply!

thanks for the answers, though.

You’re Welcome.

And while this may be true:

I think it’s fine because it happens to be about the most contested religious topics ever, Who are the Mormons? I mean, besides all the scientists trying to prove what happened in the Bible to be true or false, Mormonism has always been the top debate in religious affairs, and has had a history of mystery, it seems no one can get the real facts straight without joining the Church outright. There’s so much on the Internet that portrays us as a cult, or as agents of the devil, and such that whenever you ask someone about Mormons, they seem to only see us as bad people that should be taken off the face of the Earth for our beliefs. In fact, last Thursday through Saturday, I went on a hiking trail for 20 miles whilst pulling a handcart that weighed about 400-500 pounds with a few other youth in my “family,” and the point was to be able to testify what the early pioneers of our religion did, all because they were driven from their homes from a public that viewed them wrongly and a government that refused to protect them. They had to walk from the state of Illinois, all the way to the Salt Lake Valley. Today (July 24th), in fact, is Pioneer Day, the day that the Martin Handcart Company, famous in our religion for getting the worst of the winter season in the Rocky Mountains, made it to Salt Lake City, thus ending their perilous journey. It’s funny, as we were going through the insane amount of mud, an area populated by Yellow Jackets, and even up the slightest hill, the things going through our minds were like this: “We only have to do it for three days, imagine for four months!” and: “How could a free country like America have done this to them…” To make a long story short (oh don’t I fail at that…), it was hard. Probably the single hardest physical event in my life to date. When you see guys that just got back from a 50 mile backpack hike, and you see those kind of guys fainting from heat exhaustion, or complaining about the stress, or even my seeing one of my best friends have to go to the hospital after having his finger crushed (not kidding), you just wonder how any sane being could have gone so far as our ancestors did. And they did, and they didn’t have shoes, or a truck every 3 hours or so to fill up our water, or a hospital to go to if they were injured, so we were lucky compared to them.

So yeah, it’s gonna be a religious troll fest. Go ahead with whatever accusations against my church you have, see if I can’t set them straight.