Alphabetic Posting

u forgot p, q, r, and s ( i assume i go from the leter t)

Terrifying… Forgetting the alphabet is…

Understanding the alphabet is the only way not to forget

Very thoughtful, but I think what you meant to say was understanding is not forgetting. But shouldn’t we be on a different letter right now considering ggfchl did u and then aliens did t but was supposed to do v smacks head



We’re actually on W. Also Blargzargo, please don’t just spew out random words.

X comes after W! I’M LEARNING!

You guys should really learn the alphabet, it’s not that hard.

Zoinks! we’ve reach the end! Time to start again!

And so, our heroes set off on another alphabetical quest…

But they aren’t aware of danger being really close…

Calamity crawls closer with every post.

Danger hides behind every corner…

Evil lurks in the shadows

Fire and brimstone may this journey end.

Geez, you know what aliens? I think you’re just spamming this. gosh!

Horrific sights await the poster who ignores the warnings.

I pay close attention to the warnings…

Just make sure you regulate your warnings.