Alphabetic Posting

'kay, aliens? do you understand?

Lure rhymes with SURE!

man, you guys. i think leifeday might’ve died. check his status. :(

No… He deserves a moment of sielence…



Peter Piper Punched his Penis!

I told you it would be immature…

quite immature… We have so much in common.

Really? I don’t think we have much in common.

Sure you do.

Tell me some ways we are alike.

Underline that sentence to make it more superior. :|

Very well then.

Tell me some ways we are alike.

Well, uh… your… Profile picture is Dr. Kleinger I believe…

X is such a difficult letter. :{

yes. it is, but what about the letter Q?

Ze onlee way zoo get out of Z eez to speak like a French person. But Q eez not very ard.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are back to the letter A now. Rejoice!


Carpets are comfy.

Daring someone to speak in haiku in the next post.