'kay, aliens? do you understand?
Lure rhymes with SURE!
man, you guys. i think leifeday might’ve died. check his status.
No… He deserves a moment of sielence…
Peter Piper Punched his Penis!
I told you it would be immature…
quite immature… We have so much in common.
Really? I don’t think we have much in common.
Sure you do.
Tell me some ways we are alike.
Underline that sentence to make it more superior.
Very well then.
Tell me some ways we are alike.
Well, uh… your… Profile picture is Dr. Kleinger I believe…
X is such a difficult letter. :{
yes. it is, but what about the letter Q?
Ze onlee way zoo get out of Z eez to speak like a French person. But Q eez not very ard.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are back to the letter A now. Rejoice!
Carpets are comfy.
Daring someone to speak in haiku in the next post.