The Worst Dream/Nightmare You've Ever Had

You stopped me at “polka dot underwear”.

and it’s weird because i’m ONLY wearing polka dot underwear. i don’t get it.

I remember 5 times in a row, I had a dream that I fell down stairs.

I used to have that one all the time, never really thought about it. Then one time I had that dream again and I realised it wasn’t real. Since then I never had it again.

Same here.

Another time I had a dream that buttholes were portals to other dimensions xD

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Btw, you should look up Freud on google. He has an explanation for a lot of dreams. Really funny!

Why does that remind me of Beetlejuice? (maybe the “old car” reminded me of a hearse)

Another time I dreamed that I was eating my legs off because my legs were chocolate :P

somewhat related to this topic…
has anybody feel like they were falling, even though they were just lying still?

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Do you ever wonder where the phrase “falling asleep” comes from?

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Maybe they thought that your soul slipped away when you were sleeping.

Satan haunts your house. (it’s gotta be the explination…)

Skyscrapers explode, thats very terrible

I mean… was it necessary to bump this?

He did kinda contribute to the topic.

i guess Verbist dreams of horrific things.
a lot of my dreams start fine, but later they go waaaaay off course

I guess he hasn’t dream’t listening to his own music.

I once thought I could draw, then i saw this
(or spell)

That’s almost as bad as Chowder’s handwriting. (no offence)

I purposely made it look bad