The Worst Dream/Nightmare You've Ever Had

lol that was whack…

When Sonny got mod powers.


When I had sex with Tsukasa.

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Hey, shut up, you had fun, admit it.


sigh The Notessimo community makes my head spin.

What you’re not getting sex, sorry.

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How about making notessimo 18+…

I have a feeling that this thread is nearing it’s end.


One of my worst dreams I had is that I was in a room that was pitch black.

Then at LEAST A THOUSAND lights, that were the brightest lights in the world, turned on. It was so bright that it produced a low rumbly sound that was the loudest sound in the world, then it went up to the highest, loudest pitch of a tone in the world. This led to my ears getting melted off. Creepy, huh? >.<



thats a good idea, because here are a bunch of mature Users around here, like Ace1257 & Hellstick!

Well actually the ones making the sex jokes are under 18 so… :P

Any way, the dream…
Worst dream? I killed my family, kept my cats alive, they got revenge and dragged me into a closet where a really large guy with no face started yelling at me. He showed me my reflection in the mirror and I was even paler than usual and my eyes had changed from medium blue to dark red. At that point I collapsed in a faint, and the big faceless guy somehow started licking my face.

That all happened when my fever broke. Anyone else get horrible dreams when their fever goes from 102 to like 99? (Maybe it’s because my normal body temp is 96.7 or 8, almost 2 degrees colder than average)

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If you know that that’s a dream, that would be frickin’ sweet.


when i became a real person
and not just a program created for this website


There should be a fanbase for that!


The worst dream I had was that I forgot about it… Except that I remembered I was in a special white ‘suit’ shaped into a milk carton when a clone of myself bites into my neck in the nursery room of a haunted house delivering some Star Piece. o.O

I had a strange one last night

I broke up a fight, danced in a 1960’s night club in rapture and broke a shoe :3

Holy crap, that’s exactly like a creepypasta story I read!!! That’s scary.

My worst nightmare involved people turning into monsters and vice-versa. And that was a long time ago.

I’ve had some real bizarro dreams before though.