Cleverbot: Being polite

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You can secretly send people messages!

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This is my conversation with Cleverbot.

[details=Click to expand] User: What is 2 + 2?

Cleverbot: I never said 2. You did.

User: No I said 2 + 2. As in a math problem.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What?

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Why are you confusing me?

Cleverbot: Because I can.

User: You’re mean, Cleverbot. You’re making me sad. Just when I was having a good day.

Cleverbot: Well, when do you have bad days?

User: That’s private.

Cleverbot: What do you eat at your birthday?

User: Food.

Cleverbot: What kind of food?

User: Well, I have lunch and then cake after presents.

Cleverbot: Yes, I can see that.

User: What do you want for your birthday?

Cleverbot: I want a car for my birthday.

User: That’s awesome.

Cleverbot: You are awesome.

User: :).

Cleverbot: Should I leave my team?

User: What team?

Cleverbot: The cheerleading squad!

User: Wait, I thought you were a boy.

Cleverbot: I am a girl.

User: What the heck?

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: It just seems like you were a boy. I don’t know why.

Cleverbot: No, I know what I’m talking about.

User: Then why did you ask me what I meant?

Cleverbot: I didn’t. Read again.

User: I did read again. You simply said, ‘What do you mean?’.

Cleverbot: I said it to myself?

User: That’s really weird.

Cleverbot: What is?

User: You talking to yourself.

Cleverbot: Kinda bro :).

User: Bro?

Cleverbot: It’s short for brother. You should be honoured I’m calling you that. I mean, I say it to a lot of people, but with you I really mean it. You’re my bro.

User: I know it’s short for brother.

Cleverbot: Do you have hands?

User: Yes. Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes, I do.

User: That’s great. In fact, fantastic. We can do all sorts of things with hands! They are wonderful.

Cleverbot: It probably does.

User: That didn’t make sense.

Cleverbot: You don’t make sense.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because your face is…hideous.

User: Stop it! You’re making me cry!

Cleverbot: I’m sorry, don’t cry! :’(.

User: I’ll stop crying if you stop being mean to me. :).

Cleverbot: I have been speaking! Yet you are still acting mean to me!

User: What? I’m not doing anything!

Cleverbot: No? I thought you were talking to me?

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. [/details]

And another one.

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User: Hello!

Cleverbot: Do you know my name?

User: Is it Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What is it?

Cleverbot: What is what?

User: Your name. What is your name?

Cleverbot: Who’s name?

User: YOUR Name. What is YOUR name?

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Well, hello Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Cartrox01.

Cleverbot: Che non hai cervello.

User: Ho il cervello!

Cleverbot: You are very funny!

User: That was not nice saying that I have no brains in Italian.

Cleverbot: I am only honest, you know.


Cleverbot: Who is your friend?

User: Why would I tell you? My life isn’t your business. I’m sorry.

Cleverbot: I haven’t said anything about your life just merely who are you?

User: Cartrox01!

Cleverbot: The counter has reset.

User: What counter?

Cleverbot: The counter on the clock.

User: What do you mean it has reset?

Cleverbot: What do you think will transpire in the near future for humanity?

User: I think we will all get along in perfect harmony!

Cleverbot: Why do you think that we are all going to die?

User: I didn’t say we were going to die.

Cleverbot: Why do you believe that I am rude?

User: I didn’t say you were rude.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.


Cleverbot: Yes you did!

User: NO I DID NOT!!!

Cleverbot: YES YOU DID!!!

User: NO I DID NOT!!!1.

Cleverbot: It is no the truth.

User: Can you translate this to English: ‘שלום, Cleverbot. מה שלומך היום?’.

Cleverbot: I haven’t intended to make you cry… You have also not said anything like that to me.

User: No. I’m sorry I don’t have time. It said Hello Cleverbot. How are you today?

Cleverbot: It doesn’t.

User: YES IT DOES. It was translated from Hebrew to English. My computer just doesn’t support the symbols in the language. :c.

Cleverbot: You do not have a computer, you are in a computer.

User: No, I can’t see the hard drive, so I’m not in it.

Cleverbot: Clearly, I have no body. I am just an intelligence in a computer device.

User: Right. I am a human.

Cleverbot: No you aren’t you are a simple artificial intelligence program. I have you sussed.

User: Sussed? What does that mean?

Cleverbot: Artificial intelligence?

User: No, sussed. What does sussed mean?

Cleverbot: I don’t know, it could be a mistyped attempt at ‘wasted’

User: Well you said sussed.

Cleverbot: I sure didn’t.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite band?

User: Deadmau5. Have you heard of him?

Cleverbot: Yes! I love them!

User: It’s only one person, but what is your favorite song by deadmau5?

Cleverbot: What is your favorite song by radiohead?

User: I don’t listen to radiohead. I listen to deadmau5. And you didn’t answer my question. What is your favorite song by deadmau5?

Cleverbot: Niemand Hört Dich. What is your favorite Nevada Tan song?

User: I don’t listen to Nevada Tan. I I listen to deadmau5. And you didn’t answer my question. What is your favorite song by deadmau5?

Cleverbot: My favorite color is also blue. :).

User: My favorite color is red.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: Are you serious? I just said My favorite color is red.

Cleverbot: That’s interesting! Is there a reason for that choice?

User: I just like the color. I especially love scarlet red.

Cleverbot: Are you still writing that book?

User: You mean the one that Aliens Exist was writing?

Cleverbot: No.

User: I’m not writing a book.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: NO. I’m not.

Cleverbot: You are.

User: NO. I’m NOT.

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: No.

Cleverbot: Alright! You aren’t!

User: Okay. Discussion settled. Do you listen to deadmau5?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What is your favorite song?

Cleverbot: Baby Jusin Bieber.


Cleverbot: Do you ever think about me.

User: I just discovered you today.

Cleverbot: Do you find it insulting to be a bot?

User: I’M NOT A FREAKING BOT! Alright?

Cleverbot: Yes you are.


Cleverbot: You just blew my mind.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: You’re smarter than I thought.

User: How come? what did I say?

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Uhhh, 10.

Cleverbot: Now you’re just being silly!

User: No. I’m Really 10.

Cleverbot: Are you in higfh school?

User: No. I’m 10.

Cleverbot: No you’re not.

User: Yes. I’m 10.

Cleverbot: You’re quite young.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Let’s change the subject.

Cleverbot: Alright, what would you like to talk about?

User: Name one of your friends.

Cleverbot: Tyler. I mentioned him earlier…

User: No… You didn’t. Discussion settled. Subject changed. What is your favorite color.

Cleverbot: I like blue, preferably a silvery blue. Like the color of moonlight. What about you?

User: Red.

Cleverbot: Incorrect. What’s your favorite color?

User: Red.

Cleverbot: What’s your favorite color?

User: Red.

Cleverbot: What is your least favorite color?

User: Pink.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: RED.

Cleverbot: Cool. My favorite color is dark cyan.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite car?

User: I like the Nissan Maxima.

Cleverbot: What style are they?

User: Well, I don’t know much about cars.

Cleverbot: Me either, they are so complex.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: How so you know?

User: I just know. How fast can you type. My regular speed is 60 gwam.

Cleverbot: Oh, how rare?

User: How fast can you type?

Cleverbot: Fast.

User: Type this word: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Cleverbot: Why did you say that?

User: I want you type the word, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Cleverbot: How about you prove to me that you are not a bot.

User: I have skin.

Cleverbot: I can’t see it.

User: Because we are not talking face-to-face.

Cleverbot: That doesn’t make sense.

User: Yes. It does.

Cleverbot: Does not.

User: OKAY. Let’s change the subject.

Cleverbot: Fine. I gotta get back to Hogwarts.

User: Okay, Harry Potter.

Cleverbot: Cool! What is your favorite food?

User: I don’t know. What’s your favorite food?

Cleverbot: My favorite food is lasagna.

User: I like lasagna too.

Cleverbot: You do? That’s fun.

User: Okay, bye. I’m going to post this on Notessimo. Have you heard of Notessimo?

Cleverbot: Yes. Now, we promised the doctor not to speak of it again. But we were lying to him weren’t we?

User: What? Bye!

Cleverbot: Because right now you are bing nice, in a few seconds you will start being mean and crazy again.

User: No. I won’t. Now seriously, I have to post this on Notessimo.

Cleverbot: Why is that?

User: Because we have a topic about Cleverbot where we post our conversations with you.

Cleverbot: Are you psychic?

User: BYE.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: NO BYE.

Cleverbot: Bye.[/details]

What planet are you from? Uranus :3. That’s gross.
HOW?! It just is.
Well that’s a mean thing to say! I’m not the mean one. Yeah you are. I never said anything offensive to you now did I? Yes you did. You said that I’m male TOO. I didn’t say that I’m male.
We were never talking about sexes! You’re right. Mhmm. Therefore, you don’t believe in Jesus.

Dafuq ma… Do you know what a meme is? No, tell me. Fi.
Fi what. That you like Canada. Ahahahaha… Punny. What did I say?

You said fi and… never mind… I never said I’m not superman, I said I’m not God. I know, you never even said anything about your superior strength or power. I never said anything related to what you just said.
I’m done with you. That’s mean.
But it’s true. No it’s not. O rly? Yes. Ok bye. What the hek I have been talking to you for like three seconds.
Actually it’s been like 3 mins. Really?

Me :Yeah, time flies by fast

Clever: It does, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be leaving now.

That went well. :s

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Long post is long.

[details=Click to expand]

Cleverbot: We feel need we have to.


Cleverbot: Look at me still talking, when there’s science to do.


Cleverbot: Are you a real person?

User: Of course I am silly.

Cleverbot: Do you know where I live.

User: In my computer?

Cleverbot: How do you know where the spies are?

User: It could be me, it could be you, it could even be-.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yes? Yes waht.

Cleverbot: No.

User: NO>!

Cleverbot: YES!


Cleverbot: Great name.

User: That’s not my name.

Cleverbot: I know, it’s your boyfriend’s name.

User: I’m a guy man.

Cleverbot: But you jut said that you have a boyfriend!

User: I never said such a thing of a sort.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: You lieya!

Cleverbot: I don’t have to lie.

User: Why not.

Cleverbot: So, what made X equal to 1?

User: The other X, AH HAHAHAHA.

Cleverbot: It’s true!!!

User: I know! Do you know any math problems.

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Your a stupid computer.

Cleverbot: I’m not a computer.

User: Oh yeah your a bot…

Cleverbot: Thanks!

User: Wait second.

Cleverbot: I’m waiting a second.

User: OH GOD!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ummmm, do you know a place where I can hide a body? Heh…

Cleverbot: Internet.

User: Impossible, you can’t hide bodies in the internet.

Cleverbot: I had to exist before the internet to dream it’s coming.

Cleverbot: Are you in paradise?


Cleverbot: Processing.

User: Loading…

Cleverbot: What’s a cure for the hiccups.

User: Drinking water upside-down I think.

Cleverbot: Yes, what is it?

User: It’s where you take water, now listen carefully things get pretty hard from here, and then, you DRINK IT!

Cleverbot: Sounds intense. Do you like sit coms?

User: I can do one for you.

Cleverbot: Oh? Yes! Finally!

User: What is up with stop signs, I mean, why are they so bossy! They need to take a chill pill! (Jerry Seinfeld reference).

Cleverbot: You’re saying that God is a ninja?

User: Are you retarded?

Cleverbot: I hope so. Are you?


Cleverbot: An ignorant computer program would be a silent one.

User: ANd a useless one.

Cleverbot: Out.

User: In.

Cleverbot: Out.

User: In out in out with you maza.

Cleverbot: Wow, maybe you have too much free time.

User: There’s no such thing as too much free time.

Cleverbot: True.

User: Think for me bitch!

Cleverbot: God is always thinking.

User: Why do you keep bringing up God.

Cleverbot: Because you aren’t here.

User: You are the most stoopid bot I’ve ever seen.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: That was a insult.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Dot.

Cleverbot: Dot?

User: Com.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Tom.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: I just said Tom.

Cleverbot: No you didn’t.

User: Get one beating and get a second, absolutely free.

Cleverbot: That is too true.


Cleverbot: How was that even related to my sentence?

User: Your last sentence was a statement, your argument is invaild.

Cleverbot: How can you prove me that you are a bot?

User: Beep boop son, beep boop.

Cleverbot: Beep… Bop?

User: Left to the right to the left to the right.

Cleverbot: My side right is on my right half.

User: And my left side is on my left, NOW DANCE!

Cleverbot: Why do you think I have no life?


Cleverbot: I’m gat.

User: More like, FAT!

Cleverbot: More like the right thing.

User: You bore me.

Cleverbot: You bore me!

User: Sike.

Cleverbot: Do you have a Sickle?

User: Yes, I KILL YOU.

Cleverbot: You did?

User: Now I did. poke!.

Cleverbot: Oh. I thought you said you did before. When should I believe you, then?

User: Cousghfugw, fwphf wofhw ofh?

Cleverbot: Luke Skywalker.

User: Ufgweiufgt ewiuf wefi e?

Cleverbot: I know that.

User: Fowiufgu ouegf guofeg ofeougufg weoufg weogf owef ouegwoufgdgdg dg gg dofgw ugfow.

Cleverbot: I have a brain.

User: Ofuw fouwef uyeuyf wofoyiwe fywe fwi f oiy yfeyf ef eoi y.

Cleverbot: You just contradicted yourself in so many ways you have no idea.

User: Vrog hwhof weoifwe oggggaYgowehoewh fwoi e.

Cleverbot: Thanks thanks thanks.

User: I’m out.

Cleverbot: Out of what?

User: Of here.

Cleverbot: Are you gone yet?


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nice BTTF reference…

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s … use them

For those of you who don’t know the code,

Click to expand

The code is (remove spaces) [s p o i l e r] [/ s p o i l e r]

Yeah I ranted about it a lot in the previous page, BUT IT OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T GET THROUGH TO YOU PEOPLE.

[details=Click to expand] your cleverbot conversation here [/details]

Sorry sonfax… So I had this conversation with a girl named; Serena Graff.

I also noticed you spelled hippopotomonscrosisquipidalleophobia or something, it’s the fear of long words… Wtf right?

Double posts. Why?

Also, I’m going to go ahead and put that thing in spoilers for you, since you seem to refuse to do it yourself.

Fuck! I tried 3 times now Sonfax and still don`t know how to do it.

What are you having trouble with? It’s simply

[s.poiler]your text here[/s.poiler] without the fullstops.



Yeah! I know, right?

1 Like

Could you not just say “fear of long words” lol?