Corrupt a wish

Granted, but they kill us all because you look at one funny.

I wish the letter z never existed.

Granted, but instead we use 5 more letters instead of z.

I wish that the PC-98 touhou games were as popular as the Windows touhou games while still being widely known.
P.S. PC-98 rules.
P.P.S. Touhou 2 is easy lol
P.P.P.S. Except for Meira, sheā€™s an asshole (dem point-blank attacks).

Granted, but itā€™s only famous in Vietnam and itā€™s only in Vietnamese.

I wish Cheeseburgers were as healthy as aā€¦ CARROT XD

Granted, but now carrots arenā€™t healthy (so neither is the cheeseburger).

I wish that there was a black hole in the middle of Obamaā€™s forhead (I couldnā€™t think of anything).

P.S. I donā€™t think widely known means in only one country.

Granted, It grows really big and kills us all

I wish I had a solid gold toilet seat.

Granted, but it breaks, because gold is WEAK.

I wish that this wish was incorruptible.

Granted, everything is incorruptible except this topic.

I wish that I had a bigger bedroom.

Granted, itā€™s only a few cubic millimeters bigger.

I wish I could summon the undead and force them to do my bidding.

granted, but they do too much.

i wish i could control the weather.

Granted, you can only summon natural disasters.

I wish I could visit other planets

granted but you run out of air.

i wish that i could eat whatever i wanted whenever i wanted.

granted, but thereā€™s a limit.

I wish I had an AK-47

Granted, but itā€™s disassembled. Hope you like puzzles!

I wish I was the smartest man on earth.

Granted, you accidently discover a dangerous substance that kills you, happy grave digging!

I wish I was as smart as Tsukasa B)

granted, but your brain hurts from all the knowledge

i wish i could breathe.

Granted, but now you have gills and need to breathe water. Have fun with that!

I wish i was the king of my own country.

Granted. your royal subjects kill you in your sleep.

I wish notessimo was spam free

(Lol your spam just ran off the page.)
Granted, but the spam just keeps coming.

I wish I knew how to use the hidden blade.

granted, you lost an eye. go back 2 spaces.

I wish I was a attractive woman.

Granted, but all the guys want to ask you out.

I wish i could fly like a bird.