Corrupt a wish

9r4N7ED; Ur p00NY N00b Br41N k4N’7 UnD3R574nD 0UR 8055 1337 74LK2.

I wish I could speak and write every language that man ever spoke or wrote.

granted, you’re too smart and everyone hates you.

I wish I had a guinea pig.

Granted, but it dies seconds after you take legal ownership of it.

I wish I could ascend to the god tier.

Granted, you’re in Verbist’s book! Congratulations!

I wish I could have a featured song

Granted; It’s on a website no one uses anymore.

I wish this wish would be corrupted.

Granted, .exe has stopped working.

I wish that I could get DmC for free.

Granted; You don’t have any idea what it is or how to use it, and you can’t google it either.

I wish I had a pony!

Granted, but it’s dead.

I wish Apple supported Flash.

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Granted; now it can’t access the internet.

I wish I had an undead pony!

Granted, it eats your brains out.

I wish people could stop using bad grammar.

Grntd, ur wesh acedntly bckfres nd naow evrybdee hz badd grammmer hw u mey assk? eyee duno, bt watevr, ur wesh iz grntd :D

eyee wesh eyee hed swaggers

Granted; Now swag is out of style. Being geeky and uncool is in.

I wish I had a suit of armor that could shoot lasers out of it and fly!

Granted, but it doesn’t fit

I wish I had more likes than Tsukasa

Granted; They’re on Facebook, which, because of the imbalance, has imploded.

I wish that the cake wasn’t a lie.

Granted, the cake tastes like Sh*t

I wish there was a plot twist button

Granted; the twists never work in your favor.

I wish there was a hack button for life.

Granted, but upon pressing it, you send life and reality as we know it into nonexistence.

I wish I could create my own universe.

Granted, ace obtains copy of Simcity

I wish Drugs were legal (not that I do them…>_>)

I said “universe”.

Granted, the world suddenly goes into armageddon within the span of 6 days.

I wish I could play Sburb.

Granted, but it crashes often.

I wish Aliens existed